Statement of PurposeMihai Pˇ atras ¸cuMy long and enjoyable interaction with computer science goes back one and a half decades, to themoment when I first learned to program. Before college, my main motivation in studying computer sciencewas participating in computer olympiads. Among my achievem...
而事实上,我这么短的文书似乎也没有影响我的申请,所以感觉不需要有“以量取胜”的心态。 在美国的申请里面,有时候除了提交statement of purpose还会需要提交personal statement。仔细了解会发现,其实他们要的是类似于diversity statement的东西,就是讲讲你这个人是怎样的,有没有什么特别的成长经历可以给项目带来一些diver...
Famu Personal Statement “You don’t have to be a "person of influence" to be influential. In fact‚ the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they’ve taught me.”– Scott Adams. I believe that the one person that has the most influence in sh...
In addition to various degrees which may be considered equivalent to a PhD qualification, there are also some ‘higher doctorate’ courses considered to be a step above the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). These are most common in UK universities and in some European countries, although they are in...
一 写在前面 二 海外博士申请的关键步骤 三 申请干货分享 3.1 选择合适的研究领域 3.2 决定攻读PhD...
Personal statement Chemistry is the science on which the future relies; research is continually opening up new opportunities for the chemical industry. My passion to make a difference can be achieved through the paths of catalyst design‚ pharmaceuticals‚ Medicines‚ bio-fuels and polymer chemist...
一个是你的个人陈述,也就是我们常说的personal statement,在此处展示你的学术背景、技能、科研能力及兴趣爱好。对于申请海外博士的同学而言,其实最能体现自己能力的就是发表过SCI论文。其次是一些证明的文书包括:本科或者硕士中英文成绩单、本科及硕士的毕业证、学位证并且需要翻译成英文并加盖学校公章,这个每个学校都会...
personal-statement-phdPersonalStatement My name isXXX. I am currently a master student majoring at economics and public policyin University of Bristol。I doreally enjoy learning economics because during this process,I am always encouraged to view the worldand expressmy own ideascritically in an ...
StatementofPurpose MihaiPˇatras¸cu Mylongandenjoyableinteractionwithcomputersciencegoesbackoneandahalfdecades,tothe momentwhenIfirstlearnedtoprogram.Beforecollege,mymainmotivationinstudyingcomputerscience wasparticipatingincomputerolympiads.Amongmyachievementstherewerewinningthefirstprizeatthe ...
Scholar Practitioner Personal Statement The term “scholar- practitioner “was first introduce to me during my educational journey when obtaining my Masters at Walden. At this phase of my journey, I still feel as though being an efficient scholar practitioner will always be a work in progress. As...