Notifications for the next academic year will usually be published in the previous Autumn. You can find them by searching university websites. You can also check the PhD opportunities listed here on FindAPhD. The Research Eligibility Test (RET) Once you have responded to its PhD notification, ...
As each institution in Denmark is responsible for its own admissions, requirements will vary. However, you will usually be required to have a recognisedMasters degreein a relevant subject in order to be enrolled as aPhD student. There are a small number of programmes available for students witho...
We are pleased to inform you that you are admitted to postgraduate studies in this University in the academic year 2013-14, subject to your fulfillment of the Condition of Admission shown in the Admission Notification. 10 总结 CUHK给offer的这个方向跟我硕士期间紧密相关。 我决定去了,非政府奖学...
Adelaide - Master of Machine Learning:令人无语的课程设置,看看这些必修课的名字:<Human and Ethical Factors in Computer Science>, <Political Institutions and Policy-Making>, <Foundations of Computer Science - Python>, <Engineering Communication & Critical Thinking>...严重怀疑这是给文科同学准备的新手村...
一篇ICDE(有点奇怪)一篇NeurIPS,还有一篇在投ICDE(feedback还不错,2.3出final notification)。做的是一个half dead的非主流问题,参考我的知乎回答。 推荐信:硕士老板(北美回来的),msra实习的mentor,和uts的一位external advisor,应该都是强推。 陶瓷:之前给uiuc的一位prof发了邮件,回了两句话说一月末之后再联系他...
As each institution in Denmark is responsible for its own admissions, requirements will vary. However, you will usually be required to have a recognisedMasters degreein a relevant subject in order to be enrolled as aPhD student. There are a small number of programmes available for students witho...