of Neuropsychology – Language Series Max Planck Institute for Institute Weekly Biological Cybernetics Colloquium University of California Cognitive Neuroscience San Diego Brownbag Lunch Kavli Institute / Inst. for Neurosciences Spring Neural Computing Retreat Stanford University Department of Psychology Princeton...
In contrast, she asserted that holding a powerful body posture for two minutes can change levels of testosterone, a marker of dominance. She suggested that this tactic can enable greater comfort in assertive interactions. Alison Fragale Women’s likeability-competence dilemma isnot mitigated by achiev...
The discrepancy in amount of off-work time spent with workplace friends in different national groups is significant: Just under half of Indian survey volunteers reportedgoing on holiday with closest co-workers, whereas one-quarter of Polish workers and only 6% of Americans said they shared a holi...