偶尔会一次招2-3个人。我申请machine learnong/AI方向的phd,基本申录比都在50:1到100:1之间。
之后就是给导师发了自己的简历,介绍了我的情况,我其实没有CS的实验室research经历,只有NLP相关的一个项目,是在哥大参加的Deep Learning Hackathon。在和导师面试的时候,我着重表达了自己有扎实的算法和数据结构基础,并且展现了我对Machine Learning,Deep Learning基础知识的掌握,具体说了在Hackathon里面遇到问题时...
[2] Online Master in Computer Information & Technology, UPenn, USA 在线硕士项目,藤校学位,学费更感人,26000刀 这个项目很适合没什么CS基础的同学申请。 [3] Certificate of Open Studies, Applied Data Science & Machine Learning, EPF Lausanne 在线教育,EPFL的项目,每个月500刀 x 最快3个月,想提升Data ...
The University of Amsterdam and the AMOLF institute are seeking excellent, highly motivated PhD candidates to enhance metamaterial research using machine learning. The extraordinary properties of mechanical metamaterials stem from their architecture, or internal structure, rather than their chemical composition...
machine-learning/ ) and SCIENCE AI Center ( http://ai.ku.dk/ ) The project, titled “Theoretical Foundations of Learning with Worst-Case and Easy Data”, will focus on development and analysis of online learning algorithms that can successfully operate over ranges of online learning environments...
Machine learning for power system dynamicsThe University of Manchester | Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering博导:Dr Panagiotis Papadopoulos截止日期:November 24, 2024 周天资助的博士项目(全球学生) About the Project ...
The scientists working on machine learning, intelligent systems, data science and artificial intelligence (AI) are often at the cutting-edge of technology that people thought impossible only a few decades ago. An online artificial intelligence degree program can help individuals interested in the field...
Stanford Learning Books to buy Book by A. Hyvärinen, J. Karhunen, E. Oja (Group ICA page, Fast ICA page) (online pdf, Amazon) Book: Independent Component Analysis: A Tutorial Introduction by James Stone (code) (Amazon) Posted in Machine Learning, Math | Tagged ICA, Independent Component...
Machine Learning Deep Learning MDPs, RL, and QL Books Hull (Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (10th Edition) on Amazon) R Cookbook (Amazon) Papers ArXiv –Q-fin,Qfin recent,twitter q-fin.CP – Computational Finance(new,recent,current month) ...
Research in the field of computer vision and machine learning;Contribution to the development of new large hardware environments;Writing research papers and other publications;Supervising students. Questions can be directed to Prof. Dr. Bastian Goldlücke, bastian.goldluecke@uni-konstanz.de. The ...