the Swiss Water Protection Act requires the ecological improvement of the country’s waterways, restoring or protecting habitats for the aquatic biota, particularly fish populations. These opposing objectives bring enormous challenges to both the
对于北美学校,文书主要是Statement of Propose(SOP)和Diversity Statement(DS)。对于SOP我也做了很多功课,每个学校都会量身定做。我觉得SOP本质上是你的一个cover letter,你需要讲清楚自己的研究兴趣,告诉他们你要来做什么样的研究,并且需要说服导师和委员会你是一个在领了5年funding之后能为department和lab做出贡献的...
A letter of motivation, describing your interest in and suitability for the project. Degree Transcripts/Certificates to date
Before Submitting your cover letter and CV, please complete theonline School of Chemistry Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Form 2024(
Email your expression of interest Applications should include: Curriculum Vitae A letter of motivation, describing your interest in and suitability for the project. Degree Transcripts/Certificates to date 【竞赛报名/项目咨询+微信:mollywei007】...
This is the homepage of philosopher and computer scientist Bernardo Kastrup, with links to his biography and most of his works.
Applicants should submit, electronically, a CV with the name of two academic referees and a cover letter to Dr. John Mike Southern,, informal enquiries can be made to the same address. 02、西交利物浦大学 A study on the vertical structure electric double layer flexible artificial...
A short motivation letter of a maximumof ½ pagesexplaining why are you interested in this position. A curriculum vitae of no more than1-pagelisting also your publications if applicable. A link to your Master’s thesis. A link to the git repository containing the source code of your thesis...
讲完项目就是互相问问题,大多围绕research,我也总结在repo里了。面试一般持续30min,最长的一个聊了1h,结束后第二天记得发thank you letter。其实我觉得面试最重要的还是be honest,你怎么想的就怎么说就行了,比如对面问你还申了什么别的学校、你接不接offer之类,其实都理解的毕竟PhD五年是一个很重大的决定。
Hello everybody, I am applying for a PhD position. I already work in a lab at the same University, and my PhD will be under the supervision of the person I am already working with. Below you can find the motivation letter for my application to the PhD programme. What do you think?