2013.1.30我把ppt按照prof的意思改了。 Prof:The revised version is very good. 同时给我email一份抄送给院系的邮件I would like to nominate XX for an interview of the coming admission exercise. 2013.1.30收到小秘的email。 告诉我interview是2013.2.5。 我就把HKU面试的材料一改,把我的ppt打印出来练...
1- Interview question about yourself (关于申请者的问题) 2- Interview question about your PhD project(关于博士研究项目相关问题) 3- Interview question about the choice of university and groups (关于申请者为什么选这个这个学校/研究小组的问题) 4- Questions to ask at a PhD Interview (申请者提问环节)...
Instructor:Office:Email:Mr.FisherQQ:325 mark.i.fisher@lonestar.edu OfficeHours:3420829990Tuesdays:2:30–3:30PM GRADING Attendance/Participation/Homework10ClassPresentations40FinalSpeech50___Total100 ClassroomRules OnlyENGLISHintheclassroom.•Pleaseturnoffallcellphonesandpersonalelectronicdevices.•Allhomework...
It is an honor to participate in this interview. Myname is xxx, I come from xx province, I ...
最后我们讲讲PhD interview。 如果你进入面试环节,那恭喜你!我恭喜你的原因是因为你为自己赢得了展示自己的最佳机会。我想强调的是,面试不是考试,如果你把面试当作回答专业问题的考试,那就大错特错了。 对于校方,interview有以下几个功能: 更加深入地了解你; 让教授和老生感受你是否跟他们的program匹配,观察你是不...
每一家公司面试的方式和轮数不同,但是research talk和research interview一定是有的,我的理解也是在其他几项过关的情况下,对方比较看重的。不同的公司面试也不一样,这个在拿到onsite面试之后,有些公司会和你介绍面试大概面什么,前期总体准备来说不太需要具体到每个公司。最后分享一些自己的经历。我完整面完了8家公司...
Most of my comments from your interview were most positive, such as background and maturity. Thepresentation of the paper could have been less detailed and focus more on the essence, but the test here was more about whether you understood the paper despite the relatively short preparation time...
苏黎世联邦理工学院(英语: ETH 或ETH Zurich; 德语: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich),...
Cities that use currencies that depreciated went in the opposite direction. Oslo, for example, ...