前几天有一个面试,今天老师发邮件说 great speaking with you earlier this week. 然后说 let her know if I have any follow-up questions. 回复的话,我就礼貌感谢一下,还是说真的问几个问题?如果要问,大家有什么建议吗?我面试时是2个老师一起面的,我最后问了下funding,工作风格,和现在有几个博士生。老...
但到场后,只有一位老师,告知了我所做的准备,老师能提供的信息,只是让我们上网自己看,简历没有留,也没有在电脑上做interview check。问详细的问题,老师回答说不了解。 是真的想去的学校,所以还是会再尝试的! 第二次参加,首先要感谢组织方,提供这样的机会真是太好啦!会议组织很周到,场馆、会议室、 但是这次...
简洁明了,思路清晰,就最好了。 如果之后还在等他们的decision的情况下,你拿到了别的学校的offer,但uci又是你最想去的地方,你可以再followup一个email,告诉他们你拿到了另一个学校的offer,但是uci是你最想去的,和你想研究的领域最match的。 很有可能,他们就着急了,马上给你下offer。 更新于2017-01-12 647...
4月12日等待了一上午都没有任何消息,我开始有些沮丧,在中午终于等到了教授录取我的email。教授尤其提到了孙老师在面试之后做的follow-up,可以说我之所以如此幸运地拿到录取很大程度上是孙老师的功劳,正是他的经验和快速反应能力,成就了我UCSD的phd全奖,免学费+$21,600每年的RA!!! 总结 在我经历了这大悲大喜、...
NTUInterview(11.3 教授一面) -> Interview(12.20 教授二面) -> 寄(属于面了两次双方互相折磨,...
InterviewwithKarina Inksterof The No-Bullsh!t Vegan podcast – Karina and I discuss the technological argument against animal agriculture and how it’s important to instill the intuition into a wider audience. We then examine how the environmental and ethical issues follow from that. Further on,...
The following interview is an amalgam of our in-person conversation along with several follow-up phone calls and emails. Paul Nachman: Before I start firing questions at you, is there anything you want to say? Albert A. Bartlett: Today is May 10, 2005. Do you know what great events hap...
Supervisors can have hectic schedules and may not be able to reply to every email in good time. If there is no reply after one or two weeks, it may be worth sending a polite reminder email. Try to avoid badgering your favoured supervisor with numerous follow up emails, as this could ...
Alternatively, they might give you an email address of who to contact if you have any problems. If you don't see anything mentioned about this in the materials you're given prior to the interview, don't be afraid to reach out and ask who to contact if you encounter an issue! What ...