学位要求:Bachelor/Master 专业要求:Mechanical Engineering or in a related field 申请链接:http://www.me.uh.edu/graduate/degree-programs/phd 招生电话:713-743-4505 招生邮箱:megrad@uh.edu 邮寄地址:University of Houston, Graduate Admissions, P.O. Box 3947, Houston, TX 77253-3947...
学位要求:Master 专业要求:Electrical or computer engineering or closely related field 课程要求:Any coursework completed since graduation4 申请链接:http://www.ee.uh.edu/graduate/admission-guidelines 招生电话:713-743-4400 招生邮箱:ece_grad_admit@uh.edu 邮寄地址:University of Houston, Graduate Admissions...
录取结果:University of Houston,PhD in Electrical Engineering 休斯敦大学电气工程博士录取,奖学金$40797.92/年 服务团队:孙革洪(项目负责人)、赵学慧(文书顾问)、李雪(咨询顾问)、王雯丽(申请顾问) Z同学申请中的一大难点是托福成绩太低,达不到研究生院的最低分,在选校上受很大限制。另一个申请难点是研究方向相...
PhD position in Biomedical Engineering at University of Houston 留学DIY 北美留学 第4页 小木虫 论坛
Graduate Study in Psychology (2016)的数据显示,Berkeley的申请人数达到了397个,仅录取8个(录取率2%);Yale的申请人数为264,录取5个(录取率2%);再说几个知名度低的学校:The Catholic University of America的申请人数是222,录了11个(录取率5%);Georgia State University的申请者达到436人,录了19个(录取率4%)。
Soft Wearable Electronics group at University of Houston (Houston, USA) currently has multiple PhD and Post-doc openings. Research focus in the lab includes: soft wearable electronics and systems; biomedical instruments and devices; nano materials and electronics. Website:http://yu.me.uh.edu ...
休斯顿大学 University of Houston (全美综合大学公立学校排名第102位) PHD program in Economics 校园风景 (绘众留学原创文,请勿转载) 绘众留学微信公众号:huiliuxue_shanghai编辑于 2018-06-25 15:39 留学美国 经济学博士 奖学金 赞同1添加评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载 ...
美国休斯顿大学 2022 Spring/Fall PhD & Postdoc Openings 2021 Spring/Fall PhD & Postdoc Openings Soft Wearable Electronics group at University of Houston (Houston, USA) currently has multiple PhD and Post-doc openings. Research focus in the lab includes: soft wearable electronics and systems; ...
1.Auburn University(奥本大学),Auburn,107,https://www.auburn.edu/cosam/departments/physics 2.University of Alabama at Birmingham(阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校),Birmingham,155,https://www.uab.edu/cas/physics 3.University of Alabama in Huntsville(阿拉巴马大学亨茨维尔分校),Huntsville,149,https://www.uah.edu...