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在之前的申请季中,我收获了如下大学和项目的offer:University of Pennsylvania - M.S.Ed. in TESOL...
PhD Programs in TESOLHayley Harrison
Grad school and graduate level study abroad options for students FROM THE us. Grad school abroad in Australia. Grad school abroad in England. Grad school abroad in Scotland. Grad school abroad in New Zealand. SEARCH for a grad school. Why grad school abroad? Financial aid for grad school abr...
Nationality:United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland(Preferred) Education Required:Bachelor or above Teaching Certificate:TEFL, TESOL, TRA, CELTA, DELTA, TKT Don't have a teaching certificate? Click onTEFL Certificatefor a free one!
The Joy of writing lies in discovering truths that are otherwise often elusive. With my characters, I embark on a journey that is unpredictable as it is exhilarating. I may think I know them before I begin, but often they prove me wrong, doing and saying things that take me by surprise...