先是在总体项目中筛选一些比较适合我的,根据我的情况比较常见的项目是scientific computing,以这个项目为中心会辐射出一些其他的项目,在这部分项目中挑选出我想要的,然后再一起敲定最终项目。 📌文书 棕榈对文书非常认真,写初稿的...
3、有意向后续申请Engineering PhD项目,继续读博的。4、本科背景是Engineering,不过CS或者Math的基础一般...
MS in Applied & Interdisciplinary Mathematics; U-Mich.MS in Scientific Computing; NYU.MS in Statis...
Ph.D. in Marketing and Scientific Computing Dissertation:Bayesian Nonparametrics for Marketing Response Models(Chair: Fred M. Feinberg) 2011-2012 Cambridge, MA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Sloan School of Management Master in Finance ...
What are the aims of a PhD in Computing? As in other subjects, a successful PhD in Computer Science is commonly judged by having (1) completed a written PhD dissertation (thethesis) , and (2) successfully defended it in your oral examination (theviva) , it is usually not clear how the...
PhD student in Mathematical Modelling / Scientific Computing for in silico Organogenesis (100%) 基本信息 学位类型: 博士 开学时间: 秋季 申请截止日期: 10月1日 专业简介 ETH Zurich is a major research university, offering an excellent environment for innovative and collaborative research across disciplines...
Joint Ph.D. in Scientific Computing Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China B.S. in Mathematics, Chu Kochen Honors College One semester exchange at the University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA) Professional Experience Fortun...
IUB:我很喜欢的学校,数学系做pde的老师很多,而且都偏应用,另有一个应数中心Institute for Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics集中了全校其他相关院系的教授和学生。Math PHD分纯数、应数和统计三个track,还有一个与物理系合办的mathematical physics的PHD。第一轮录取发放比较早,今年有人1月底就拿到。没被...
The Theory & Simulation (T&S) team at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) invites applicants for three PhD fellowships in Computational Quantum Physics. In one of these there is the option of being part of the development of a new MSc course. ...
Numerical Algorithms and Scientific Computing(数值算法和科学计算) Uncertainty Quantification(不确定性量化) Learning from Data(数据分析) Optimization and Design(优化设计) (CSE)博士项目分布在以下7个学院,申请者可以选择其中之一进行修读。该项目主要要求学生学习相关课程,并完成博士论文,可以在与计算机相关的领域进...