:Bachelor 申请链接:http://pharmacy.nus.edu.sg/national-pharmacy-residency-programmes/ 招生电话:(65) 6516 2648 招生邮箱:phabox7@nus.edu.sg 邮寄地址:Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, The Shaw Foundation Building, Block AS7, Level 5, 5 Arts...
公共卫生学硕士 专业 The Medicinal Chemistry program welcomes applications from students with pharmacy, chemistry, or biology degrees. Students majoring in other degree programs that encompass chemical, biochemical, or biological fields of study are also encouraged to apply. 工作经验 项目信息 时长 学费 ...
Some biology and chemistry courses are required. However, because we are an interdisciplinary program, we admit students from various academic backgrounds, so there are no specific course requirements. Applicants recently admitted to our program have undergraduate degrees in a wide range of disciplines,...
Dave Sulzer is a professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, Pharmacology, and at the School of the Arts at Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute. He attended Michigan State University, studied plant breeding and genetics at the University of Florida, and received a PhD in biology ...
Ph.D Medicinal Chemistry Admissions
biology and medicinal chemistry in 2009. hku.hk 李學臣博士於美國哈 佛大學取得其博士學位, 並曾於Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 從事博士後研究工作。 hku.hk With PHD from Harvard University in Administration, Planning and Social Policy, Dr. Gal has 25 years experience as entrepreneur and ma...
500升/小时 高压均质机、细胞破碎仪,供应商: PhD Technology LLC , USA名 称: 高压均质机 / 高压细胞破机型 号: DIP-1DIP-1型高压均质机 技术参数:★产量:500升/小时(以水为参照), 连续、稳定.★ 压力:0 ~17400 Psi / 120Mpa / 1200Bar,压
in 2024: 3 • Admission Criteria: Please consult our website: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/scholarships/sea/csc-leiden-university-scholarship • PhD Programs Offered: Full PhD Programs • Majors / Topics / Projects / Programs Offered: Medicinal chemistry, covalent drug discovery, G ...
供应商: PhD Technology LLC , USA 设备名称: 控温型高压均质机,大肠杆菌破碎机,纳米均质机,控温型均质机 英文名称: High Pressure Homogenizer 设备型号: D-200M D-200M型高压均质机,技术参数: ★ 产量:200-300升/小时, 连续、稳定(产量不受压力、物料浓度影响). *方便从实验阶段直接过渡到中试生产. ...