市场营销(Marketing) 运营管理与生产(Operations Management & Manufacturing) 运筹学(Operations Research) 组织行为与理论(Organizational Behavior and Theory) 卡内基梅隆大学phd要求 卡耐基梅隆大学工商管理博士(PhD in Business Administration)为期4-5年(视论文完成情况),要求申请者本科毕业,不要求专业背景。据云学教育...
Students choose one of seven fields to specialize in, including Accounting, Economic Analysis and Policy, Finance, Marketing, Operations, Information and Technology, Organizational Behavior, and Political Economy. Each field provides deep dives into its respective area, with coursework and faculty ...
PhD in Marketing Management Johannesburg, South Africa PhD Full time, Part time 2 years On-Campus English The purpose of the Ph.D. in Marketing Management is to develop applied and highly specialized competencies and practical skills in the acquisition, interpretation, comprehension, and application ...
Ireland and received his BSc with honoursandPhDinfood technologyfromUniversityCollege Cork and a 1st Class MBS in marketing from University College Dublin. blackstone.com blackstone.com Murphy 博士在爱尔兰接受教育,以 优异成绩 从科克大学获得食品技术理学学士学位和博士学位,并获得都柏林大学市场营销方向一级...
Birling in the opening of the play? Intrinsic and Extrinsic Barriers to Learning Examples Life in a Big City Essay Life Story My Dream Long and Short Essay on Gardening in English Primary and Secondary Reflection Examples Example of Perfect Competition in the Philippines Marketing ...
该校的PHD一共有5个专业方向,分别是 Accounting and Auditing, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing, Operation and Data Analytics 1.学制 学制4年,前2年coursework, 后2年专注于学术研究,写毕业论文进行毕业答辩 2.申请材料 申请表(含statement of purpose) 成绩单 毕业证,学位证 3封推荐信 GMAT/GRE ...
A PhD in theArtsandHumanitiesdemonstrates excellent written communication, presentation skills, creativity and analytical thinking. You may be suited to work for jobs in thePublishing industry,Digital MarketingorCivil Service. A PhD inBiological and Medical Sciencesbuilds specialist subject knowledge, data...
or subject areas in Data Analytics, Consulting, Leadership / Management, Health Care, Automotive, Tourism, International Business, Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Human Resource Management, Marketing, (Information) Technology Management, Counseling / Training, Interim Management, Entrepreneurship, Innovation...
Themost represented countriesin the expat communities in the UK are Poland, Republic of Ireland, India, Romania, and Italy. Followed by Portugal, Spain, Pakistan, Nigeria, and the USA. Expats living in the UKcan benefit from a supportive and vibrant expat community. UK expat forums and online...
The applicants may apply in different fields of business and management like marketing, supply chain management, value chain, and management of SME, accounting, natural resource management, HRM, organizational behavior, employee engagement, financial econometrics, risk management and many more....