【Offer-Oxford-PhD in IR】DPhil in International Relations。背景:国内双非一本IR, 均分90+。UCL IR, 均分75+D。已确定国内读博,无心插柳柳成荫。 û收藏 2 18 ñ50 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
政治学与国际关系-博士PhD PhD in Political Science and International Relations 基本信息 学位类型: 博士 开学时间: 秋季 申请截止日期: 1月15日 费用信息 申请费: 75美元 申请要求 托福: 总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 申请材料 Transcript: Unofficial transcripts may be submitted as part of your online appl...
Master Programme in Software 软件 53,250丹麦克朗/学期 Master Programme in INNOVATIVE COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP创新通信技术和企业家精神 53,250丹麦克朗/学期 -NORDIC MASTER IN SUSTAINABLE ICT SOLUTIONS 可持续发展...
学士或者硕士 专业 工作经验 项目信息 时长 学费 $2000 目前,所有全日制学生的学费统一为每学期23486美元,每学期可申请10.5至19.5个学分。参加兼读制课程的学生每学分将收取$ 1,566的费用。 截止日期 标准考试 TOEFL & IELTS TOEFL--总分60--听力0--阅读36--口语12--写作30 IELTS--总分0--听力12--阅读6--...
Professor of International Relations (Politics) Research interests: •On a macro level: how do people (and have people in the past) thought of war, of who should fight, of whom they can fight, how, with what means, to what ends. Her research includes the role and evolution of the law...
International relations Research in international relations includes the international political economy, globalisation, international relations theory, European politics, political literature and international relations, gendered international politics, diplomacy, strategy and foreign policy, international terrorism, se...
Administration Ph.D in International Trade and Commerce Ph.D in Social Work Ph.D in Psychology Ph.D in Geology Ph.D in Geography Ph.D in Economics Ph.D in Agriculture Ph.D in Music Ph.D in Home science Ph.D in History Ph.D in Sociology Ph.D in Agriculture Solar & Alternate Energy...
公共管理学(Public Management)公共事务学(Public Affairs)法学(Law) 背景要求 课程修习 学位 硕士或者博士 专业 工作经验 项目信息 时长 学费 $4000 每个学分需要花费1995美元 截止日期 2020-05-04Fall 标准考试 TOEFL & IELTS TOEFL--总分120--听力14--阅读30--口语24--写作25 ...
Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, Comparative Literature and Cross-cultural Studies, Global Communication, Political Theory, International Politics, International Relations, Diplomacy, Middl...
1."Political Theology of International Order" 这是教授的一个重要研究项目,culminated in his 2020 book of the same title。该项目探讨了神学思想如何塑造了我们对国际秩序的理解。通过研究从中世纪到现代的政治神学传统,教授揭示了许多国际关系的核心概念(如主权、无政府状态、世界秩序)都有其神学根源。这一项目为...