63 相关专业 国际贸易(International Business)战略管理学(Strategic Management)创业与战略管理学(Entrepreneurship and Strategy) 背景要求 课程修习 学位 硕士或者博士 专业 工作经验 项目信息 时长 学费 $4000 每个学分需要花费1995美元 截止日期 2021-05-04Fall ...
For over 50 years we have stood at the forefront of teaching and research in International Business (IB) and we continue to help define the research agenda in the field as well as in Business History and International Human Resource Management (IHRM). As a part of our program, we offer th...
李光前商学院和会计学院的本科生和研究生课程都获得了国际商学院联合会(简称AACSB International),欧洲质量发展认证体系(简称EQUIS)和英国工商管理硕士协会(简称AMBA)的“三皇冠”认证,是新加坡唯一获此殊荣的大学,位于世界前1%顶尖商学院之列。 来看看SMU的PhD项目 PhD IN ACCOUNTING 会计理论是基础,更多的是相关领域...
Washington State University博士:本科广西大学,中文;研究生Ohio University, Financial Economics University of South Florida博士:本科山东财经大学,工商管理;研究生 Florida International University, International Business University of South Florida博士:本科南京工业大学,文学;研究生University of Missouri, MBA 以上资料...
This project will generate solid academic insight into how to manage human capital development across boundaries by means of in-depth studies of organizations that are in the process of such organizational changes, that have already successfully changed in such directions, or that offer alternative '...
-International Business Law and Dispute Resolution 国际商法和争议解决 -Law on Technology and Medicine 技术和医疗法 Faculty of Social Sciences社会科学学院: PhD in Communication 传播学博士 PhD in Economics 经济学博士 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Political Science 政治学博士 ...
International Master Business Mathematics 国际商业数学硕士 由慕尼黑大学与埃夫里大学和博洛尼亚大学联办,学制2年,冬季入学,申请截止日期1月15日,要求英语B2 European Master of Science in Management 管理学 2年,与法国的里昂商学院及英国...
BTW,除了Strategy,还有一些phenomenon-based的领域,比如international business, entrepreneurship等等,也往往有从不同discipline的不同角度probe的,在绝大多数学校被笼统归在Management/strategy系里。 说到这里,与上面两段相关的,在Management这个领域,还有一个dimension有助于理解不同学者和学校之间的区别,即是这个人/学校...
The purpose of this research is to examine the inter-relationships and interactions among intellectual capital components and business performance in the Portuguese banking industry. The concept of relational capital was extended to include 'stakeholder orientation ' items. Model development and hypothesis ...
Stakeholders shaping experiences of self-funded international PhD students in UK business schoolsdoi:10.1016/J.IJME.2021.100543E. MogajiNenadi AdamuN. P. NguyenThe International Journal of Management Education