Unlock the potential of affordable healthcare solutions!Twofully funded PhD positions are available in the VIDI project of Tugce Martagan (see:https://www.tue.nl/en/news-and-events/news-overview/prestigieuze-vidi-beurs-voor-vier-tue-onderzoekers) in collaboration with Collin Drent and Melvin D...
One fully funded, full-time PhD position to work with Dr Fengxiang He at the Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute (AIAI), School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh on a project titled “Machine Learning...
Institute of Epidemiology and Healthcare at UCL as part of a wider project exploring the application of social prescribing in schools to tackle loneliness. The studentship will commence from September 2024, under the supervision of Dr Daniel Hayes and Professor Daisy Fancourt. ...
These fully funded Ph.D. programs are in fields like business, computer science, education and nursing.
Our fully funded (EU, UK and limited number of overseas) studentships offer a unique opportunity to study in amultidisciplinaryand diverse environment, which also provides access to one of the best equipped AM labs in the UK. 03. Winchester School of Art - PhD Studentships ...
Top 25 Best Free Phd Programs Online [Fully funded online phd programs]. When selecting one of the shortest online doctoral programs or easiest online Ph.D. programs, you can access more info by visiting the links provided in each school description to ensure that you find the best program ...
These fully funded Ph.D. programs are in fields like business, computer science, education and nursing.
This is a 3-year (36 months) fully funded PhD position, with a salary of ~1600 Euro/month and free healthcare/insurance. The students typically pay around ~500 Euro living in student housing in CIUP, and live a comfortable (not l...
Fully funded opportunity - $35,000 AUD tax-free p.a. for 3.5 years with a possibility for an annual $10,000 tax-free top-up. 02、埃克塞特大学 Development of Semitransparent AgroPhotovoltaic Integrated Hydrogen system University of Exeter | College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences...
The OfferThis is a fully funded studentship for 48 months to commence in February 2024 or soon thereafter, with tuition fees paid, and a full tax-free stipend commensurate with the RCUK rate (currently £18,622 per annum). This project is based in Hearing Sciences – Scottish Section (Gla...