looking for a highly motivated candidate to conduct research in the areas of big data mining and...
* Data Mining and Statistical Analysis * Search and Information Retrieval in a challenging and ...
Multiple PhD Positions in Data Mining and Machine Learning at the College of William & Mary For Prospective Students Dr. Yanfu Zhang is currently seeking highly self-motivated students with strong mathematics or coding skills to fill multiple PhD positions available for the Spring/Fall semester. Thes...
Good programming and algorithmic skills are required. Expertise in data management, data mining and machine learning is meriting. Good communication skills in English, both spoken and written, are required. How to apply The application should include a letter describing the applicant’s motivation for...
算法会偏Data Mining/Science一点,文章好发一点,去找教职的比较多。core DB 更偏向于传统system,文章难发一点,但更容易打造工业界影响力。我举个例子,你研究出了一种内存Approximate Search的结构来代替Bloom Filter,可以直接实现在RocksDB里面,大厂看到觉得性能很好,也会在自己的系统里实现一遍,然后跑在生产环境里,...
想请教LZ一个科研方面的问题~我是做data mining的,研究风格偏empirical, 有时候会因为工作缺少 ... 秋尽江南 ML/DL theory其实没有什么系统的课程,因为不同的topic的分析方法往往千差万别。我开始接触theory的契机是做了一个需要theoretical analysis的项目,老板pinpoint了几篇相关工作,然后我们自己摸索着做出了一...
算法会偏Data Mining/Science一点,文章好发一点,去找教职的比较多。core DB 更偏向于传统system,文章...
PhD in Information and System Extraction of biological knowledge by means of data mining techniquesTorino, Politecnico D I
Requirements: (1) Undergraduate or MS students with degrees in Computer Science/Engineering, Mathematics or related majors. (2) Strong programming and/or mathematical skills. (3) Candidates with research experience in data mining, machine learning, NLP, and CV are preferred. (4) Strong motivation...
申请方向:Machine Learning / Data Mining 申请范围:全球混申(不考GRE) 主申MPhil/MRes,辅申MSc,不申PhD 作为一个逃离内卷在南半球佛系躺平的海本废物,本人申研的目标很朴实,就是想省下考GRE的体力,利用海本免语言的红利尽可能让自己的申请季过得无痛一些。同时避开CV/NLP两大热门内卷方向,换个国家自费搞搞ML其...