Non-Clinical PhD studentships for informatics and data science researchers Fully-Funded PhD Program Opportunity in Science and Technology in Japan Explore PhD opportunities within the Institute for Digital Technologies PhD & postgraduate research degrees at the University of Strathclyde ...
epidemiology educationclinical researchpublic healthSince 2017, applicants with an academic degree in natural sciences or in the field of "life sciences" have the opportunity to participate in the three years international PhD program "Epidemiology & Clinical Research" at the University of Duisburg-...
Applicants should maintain their clinical skills, if applicable. Applicants must have an interest in global health research and be looking to develop their academic career. They should be interested in spending extended periods of time at one of the Programme African Partner Institutions in Zambia, ...
The veterinary clinical pathology research group is a part of the Section for Clinical Practice and Diagnostics in Companion Animals. The section holds clinical teaching and service obligations within companion animal general practice (medicine and surgery), internal and critical care medicine, anesthesiolo...
• Previous experience of qualitative research methods. The supervisory team consists of three clinical optometric academics with a background in clinical research; Dr Tamsin Callaghan, Dr Alison Binns and Dr Valldeflors Vinuela-Navarro. You will be based primarily at City, University of London wit...
I would like to ask if l have the opportunity to join your lab as a PhD student in 2024 Fall? I studied the work of your lab while performing my first research project at the current lab, specifically utilizing advanced structure MRI techniques to study the XXXX. I'm captivated by the ...
Research-oriented e.g., Master in Clinical Psychology Practice-oriented e.g., Master in Counseling Psychology 执业资格 毕业后不具备拿证资格 毕业后具备拿证资格,可以practice 学分 要求较少(30-40 credits) 60 credits 科研机会 较多 较少 毕业去向 ...
health economics, qualitative methods, mixed-methods, clinical medicine and psychology. This year we are offering up to 35 competition funded PhDs. To apply, you need to identify a research project that suits you to ensure a proper match...
1. Securing funding to build the second iteration of the virtual ward. This will include an in-depth set of clinical / behavioural pathways forming a longer clinical story for the student to explore; 2. Approval of the ethics application for the research, and; ...
The International PhD Academy: Medical Research is based in the Leeds Institute of Medical Research at the University of Leeds, St James’s University Hospital Campus. Our vision is to impact locally, nationally and globally on biomedical and clinical research with a primary emphasis on health outc...