背景:(可能的)加分项:欧陆 business and finance 研究型硕士,牛推一封,经济背景,提交了 accounting 相关的 proposal 当作 writing sample; 弱势:无发表无 RA,无北美教育背景,无相关工作经验。 申请总结: 1.USC 12 月底第一轮面试,和 coordinator 聊了一个多小时,一半的时间在讨论 proposal 相关的研究细节。其他问...
& almost admitted(1个亚洲+3个北美top 20:duke/cornell/yale/northwestern/NYU/USC/Umich/UNC/UT ...
Interview:USC (telephone),UNC (telephone+campus interview) 申请过程 申请程序本身没有秘密,大家都一样考GT,填表格,寄材料。所以,就不再赘述,前人已经总结的很出色了。我想就主要说说下面几点吧: 读PhD的目的想清楚 为什么读PhD?这应该是每个人在申请前要好好斟酌的问题。学术是严肃的,学者是严谨的。申请PhD最...
TOP 30基本上在5-6%, USC的9%已经是非常高的了。 TOP50基本上在10%内, TAMU可能算是比较高的...
项目是在南加州大学的Marshalls商学院下面,department of data science & operations下。其他商学院的PhD项目,也在商学院下面,譬如accounting, finance, management, marketing等; 项目有三个分支:operations management, statistics和information systems。美国叫做data science的phd项目很少见,这个又是在business school下面,...
我叫Holly,本科毕业于香港科技大学,今天主要是想跟大家分享一下我的申请经验。如果是 ECON 背景的同学,之后想要去读 ECON 的 PhD,或者是finance accounting和marketing 相关PhD,什么硕士项目适合作为 PHD 申请的跳板?以及该如何准备这些申请?在此之前大家可以扫一下这边屏幕上的二维码,免费领取机构留学申请大礼包。
phd physics scholarship in australia, phd scholarships sociology australia, phd accounting scholarships australia, jobs for phd students in australia,phd seek australia, University Of Queensland QAEHS PhD Scholarship Scheme For International Students In Australia 2021], then you can see that you are...
– PKU Guanghua; Accounting;# 2 in the department;研究生 – PKU CCER economics but focus on ...
35. I am 42 and in the accounting field. I don't have a degree currently. I am very interested in consumer robotics, but am unsure if it is feasible for me to consider this. Any info you could provide would be appreciated. I'm sure it's feasible, but I think the monetary penalty...
收获UCLA Master of Quantitative Economics,USC Master of Science in Business Analytics,NYU Master of Arts in Economics录取! X同学 人力资源管理专业 收获UChicago Master of Public Policy,NYU MPA in Public & Nonprofit Management & Policy,CMU Master of Science in Public Policy & Management (MSPPM)录取...