卡内基梅隆大学phd要求 卡耐基梅隆大学工商管理博士(PhD in Business Administration)为期4-5年(视论文完成情况),要求申请者本科毕业,不要求专业背景。据云学教育集团介绍,该项目学生修完2年课程后,通过考试,可获得其所修专业方向的硕士(MS)学位,继而再攻读2-3年之后,完成项目要求及论文答辩,即可获得PhD学位。
ofAccounting,UniversityofCentralFlorida, 4000UniversityBlvd.,Orlando,FL32816-1400,USA c DepartmentofTeachingandLearningPrinciples,CollegeofEducation,UniversityofCentralFlorida, 4000UniversityBlvd.,Orlando,FL32816-1250,USA Received2June2005;receivedinrevisedform12May2006;accepted29September2006 Abstract Inrecent...
Contact Schools Directly - Compare 14 Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) Programs in Economic Studies Accounting 2025
Rice University is a well-known institution and is regularly recognized asone of the best business schoolsin the country. As part of its PhD in Business program, students can choose between one of four different concentrations: accounting, finance, organizational behavior, and strategic management. N...
Skills You Gain from Earning a PhD in Finance The most important skills you learn as a doctor of finance include: Communication skills, including writing and presentation skills Data analytical skills Economics and accounting skills Critical thinking skills ...
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Accounting and Science & Technology Management Control and Ethics 5. 会计审计方向近年来毕业生去向 Ionela-Irina Andreicovici - Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (Germany) Lisa Baudot - University of Central Florida (USA) Nava Cohen - New Jersey City University (USA) Alessandro Ghio - Mon...
The applicants may apply in different fields of business and management like marketing, supply chain management, value chain, and management of SME, accounting, natural resource management, HRM, organizational behavior, employee engagement, financial econometrics, risk management and many more....
Fully Funded PhD Programs in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) Other lists: Fully Funded PhD Positions in Germany Fully Funded PhD Programs in the United Kingdom Fully funded master’s degrees and full funding awards: Fully Funded Master’s Programs in Accounting ...
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