and health services research. Drawing on the expertise of over 200 staff from across UCL's departments, we take a unique cross-disciplinary approach to global health economics and decision science in both our research and teaching, responding to the fact that health problems – and their solutions...
二硕免雅,圆梦伦敦 13天 斩获 国王 Global Health MSc 录取 211 81.56 低均分斩获UCL Data Science相关 双非连斩3枚UCL 专升本985独立学院逆袭UCL Topup 3+1斩获爱丁堡/华威offer 211学子均分81喜获KCL教育&港理工录取 专升本转专业逆袭华威传媒 双非88+三人同时斩获国王曼大Offer 211低均分录曼大&华威WMG 双非小...
@ 中传 X 学姐| 文化产业管理专业 | GPA 92 | 雅思 7 Offer:UCL MSc Global Healthcare Management (Leadership) 我一共做过 9 段实习经历,其中有 4 段和医疗行业相关,在找到第一份咨询实习之前,我大概投递了 20 家咨询公司,杳无音讯。 对于想转商科的传媒同学,我会建议先找到传媒+商科交集的岗位尝试一下...
The post is fully funded (stipend and UK fees) for 3.5 years.Overseas students may apply, provided they can independently cover the difference between UK and overseas tuition fees. Applications should be submitted through: process=...
For informal enquiries please contact Dr Alexander Kibler For further information on the MPhil/PhD course as well as the recruitment and selection process, please use the link below: ...
The student will be primarily based at the new UCL East Campus, hosting cutting-edge research facilities set in cross-disciplinary hubs. As part of the Advanced Propulsion Lab (APL), the student will have access to equipment ...
The UCL Department of Chemical Engineering is one of the top research and teaching departments in the UK and has world-class standing. The department offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and has an extensive resea...
Globally, we need to rise to the challenges of the climate crisis and create a more sustainable, equitable world. At theBartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, University College London (UCL), we believe a better future is possible. ...
University College London (UCL) the very first university in London, is a rule-breaking institution: the first university in England to accept students of any religion and one of the first to admit women as students. The University of Edinburgh is the best Scottish university and the fifth ran...
英国PhD申请不需要GRE, 起码UCL不需要,不过雅思要求是advanced (Advanced level: Overall grade of 7.5 with a minimum of 6.5 in each of the subtests.). 如果有英语国家的degree可以不用雅思。 SEVEN 想咨询一下套瓷策略: 有的人说是可以找很多老师同时套瓷; ...