这个是米国这边一个关于PhD Dissertation Committee的漫画, 还是挺有意思的. 现在偶的策略是基本避免adversary, Guru至多一个, 然后就是一到两个senior level的对我做的东西比较感兴趣的professor, 同时得是人比较nice, 不会有意跟我导师唱反调的那种. 最后...assistant professor一个就够了. 而且是那种我在和他合...
第三年会根据自己的兴趣和第二年的基础选择dissertation committee,也就是博士论文指导委员会。Committee通...
第二年末第三年出要提出dissertation的题目,选几个老师成为dissertation committee。这个dissertation相当于毕业论文,分量大概等于3篇金融杂志文章的内容。这个的重要性不言而喻,找工作的时候别人都会读你的毕业论文的,而且工作面试的时候还要做presentation,那些教授一定会死命挑刺。所以实际上phd的后三年就是要成为毕业论文...
第二年末第三年出要提出dissertation的题目,选几个老师成为dissertation committee。这个dissertation相当于毕业论文,分量大概等于3篇金融杂志文章的内容。这个的重要性不言而喻,找工作的时候别人都会读你的毕业论文的,而且工作面试的时候还要做presentation,那些教授一定会死命挑刺。所以实际上phd的后三年就是要成为毕业论文...
on your program,我们会有做助教的任务。有些是带大一新生的实验课,有些是带学生的dissertation。会ex...
Norbert Gerth, Wolfang Kowarschick, Michael Lutz and ChristianM篓rtin, for recommending me for the PhD.aMy Final Exam Committee, Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi, Prof. Frank vanHarmelen and Dr. John O'Flaherty, for their numerous suggestions andcritical evaluation of my work.This research was ...
Norbert Gerth, Wolfang Kowarschick, Michael Lutz and ChristianM¨rtin, for recommending me for the PhD.aMy Final Exam Committee, Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi, Prof. Frank vanHarmelen and Dr. John O'Flaherty, for their numerous suggestions andcritical evaluation of my work.This research was ...
The written dissertation must be defended in a public oral presentation before the advisor and dissertation committee. The Ph.D. program may build upon one of the CEE or EES M.S. programs or a comparable M.S. program at another university. Ph.D.: 72 total credit hours, consisting ...
I’ve also worked to complete my dissertation committee. I’ve had preliminary discussions with a couple of professors to gauge their level of interest and availability. I will continue the conversation with them over the next several weeks to see if I can stay on track to defend my proposal...
分析:committee制,在套辞信发出时,导师不确定他今年是否在录取委员会内;养鱼回复,没什么信息量。 剑桥:Thank you for your email and your interest. I am happy for you to put me down as a potential supervisor in your Ph.D. application.