大部分Max Planck Institute每年会有一两个时间段开放博士的申请,他们称为International Max Planck Research School(IMPRS),可以在感兴趣的马普所的网站上看到他们所IMPRS的链接,里面有申请的截止时间和对申请材料的要求。 另附几个找PhD positions的网站: http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/jobs http://ec....
In the department of Architectural Engineering + Technology we currently have 6 PhD positions open. Clickhereto see all 6 vacancies. Job requirements To be considered for the position, you must have: A Master’s degree in Urban Data Science, Geographic Information Science, Computational Social Scien...
如果这个岗位是在某招聘网站上(领英, academic transfer, glassdoor等地方)或者学校的open position界面...
AI 科技评论按:UTA(美国得克萨斯大学-阿灵顿分校) 2018 Fall需要补招一名Data Science/AI方向的PhD,知道有感兴趣的同学可以赶紧申请,最近就可以定,8月入学 该PhD program 是往谷歌等公司输入data scientist 的重要资源 Position Information multiple Ph.D. positions are open for Fall 2018 at the Center on Sto...
positions, focusing on the development and application of these principles for multimodal i-VRIs and coordinated multimodal traffic management (P1) and for tradable mobility rights and planning of new mobility services (P2). (P1) In this PhD research you will be developing incentive mechanisms that...
Are you someone passionate about teaching and effective communication? Have you explored positions in education, outreach, and science writing? This might surprise you, but you should also consider a career in the expanding field of medical writing. ...
Are you drawn to an international setting focused on education, science and scholarship? Are you keen to contribute however your skills and qualities allow? Our door is open to you! As a young European university, we value your talent and look forward to creating the future together. ...
The article summarizes a study of over 8,300 graduate students in the University of California (UC) system; the study reveals that fewer graduate students are interested in pursuing tenure track positions at research universities. This is particularly interesting due to the large sample size and ...
PhD positions in the field of molecular medicine, age-related diseases, immunology, molecular and lipid metabolism, cardiovascular research and biostatistics
The successful candidate will have a MSc or PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Meteorology, Materials Science, Computer Science or related disciplines. Experience of modeling molecular clusters and/or phase change processes, as well as knowledge of computational chemistry software and programming languages, are...