mathematics and computer science. Combined, they reinforce each other and are the driving force behind the technology we use in our daily lives. Technology such as the electricity grid, which our faculty is helping to make future-proof. We are also...
mathematics and computer science. Combined, they reinforce each other and are the driving force behind the technology we use in our daily lives. Technology such as the electricity grid, which our faculty is helping to make future-proof. We are also...
How can we leverage on complex collective patterns to arrive at optimal system conditions while aligning with user objectives?DescriptionIn our mobility ecosystem where dependencies are increasingly complex, the need for simple, local control principles that serve the collective purpose is growing. This ... 2. Computer Science—Ph.D. 该项目分为两类,一类是the Ph.D. in Computer Science,在匹兹堡校区开设,在该博士项目的开始,学生将进行一场激烈的两周计划,学习基础入门知识,了解该项目的研究方向,熟悉卡内基梅隆大学的资源。接下来,通过课程作业和原创研究,学生将...
The objectives of the proposed study are as follows: Conduct experiments in the Oxford hypersonic wind tunnels at fixed configurations to obtain reference data for a preliminary numerical campaign Conduct a preliminary campaign validating external aerodynamic predictions at mission-relevant conditions in pres...
2021 Fall的PhD申请不理想?还没有拿到offer?不要太过彷徨,来看一下最新发布的CS/Data Science/AI/交通等相关专业方向的机会吧~或许你还能够拿到末班车的车票。对于2021Fall来说,真真是最后的上车机会了。 如果你足够优秀,或者愿意让自己变得足够优秀,总是会有机会关照你的!
Objectives The objectives of the proposed study are as follows: Conduct experiments in the Oxford hypersonic wind tunnels at fixed configurations to obtain reference data for a preliminary numerical campaign Conduct a preliminary...
Project objectives: Data systems are going through a major transition due to the challenges of Big Data processing. The volume and velocity of data generated from a variety of sources are far outpacing the available storage and processing capacity. Data science enables one to bring structure to la...
on - can help make caching practical and thereby bridge the interaction gap, enabling interactive visualisations to be proactive. Active Inference is a promising sequential decision-making framework for simultaneous reasoning about us...
Integrating in vitro dissolution-permeation data with biopharmaceutical models to predict the in vivo performance of drug formulations. PhD awarding institution: SDU Scientific objectives: Bnchmark a range of dissolution/permeation methods and develop integrated PBPK models with increasing levels of complexity...