Main Subject Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Degree PhD Study Level PHD Study Mode On Campus Our PhD programme aims to offer students solid fundamentals of data science in computer science, statistics and optimisation, and state-of-the-art knowledge of research frontiers in data scienc...
In addition to various degrees which may be considered equivalent to a PhD qualification, there are also some ‘higher doctorate’ courses considered to be a step above the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). These are most common in UK universities and in some European countries, although they are in...
Did you know that we listPhD projects and programmesat universities around the world? Why not take a look? The best universities in different countries Want to quickly find the highest ranked universities for a particular study destination? Our guides toPhD study abroadinclude details for the top...
So, how good are the top universities in the UK for PhD study? Search for a PhD in the UK Ready to start looking for your ideal study abroad opportunity? BrowsePhDs in the UKon Sign up for our weekly newsletter to: ...
1) Chinese taught Doctoral program: Interdisciplinary Regional Studies, Interdisciplinary Language Data Science and Applications, English Language and Literature, Russian Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, Japanese Language and Literature, Arabic ...
research power, with 40% of its research outputs considered world-leading (top grade), and almost 50% considered top grade for societal impact. The University of Edinburgh is constantly ranked among the world’s top universities and is a highly international environment with several centres of ...
research power, with 40% of its research outputs considered world-leading (top grade), and almost 50% considered top grade for societal impact. The University of Edinburgh is constantly ranked among the world’s top univ...
UNSW Sydney is one of Australiaʼs leading research universities, and quantum computing and related technologies are of great strategic importance to the university. The quantum research community numbers almost 100 staff and students working across experimental and theoretical aspects of quantum computing...
最新PhD/博后职位系列(5): 交通/CS/Data Science/AI相关专业 荷兰代尔夫特理工TU Delft专场 【之前被删现在恢复一下 部分职位时效已过 但可以酌情关注他们的项目及职位申请要求】 【小窗本账号 或 大可Offer 获取申请方式及相关注意事项】 前言: 2021 Fall的PhD申请不理想?还没有拿到offer?不要太过彷徨,来看...
UNSW Sydney is one of Australiaʼs leading research universities, and quantum computing and related technologies are of great strategic importance to the university. The quantum research community numbers almost 100 staff and students working across experimental and theoretical aspects of quantum computing...