Taking a draft of your proposal to a tutor who will give you some constructive advice can help you develop your ideas and guide you with the structure and formatting. If you have any friends who are also looking to apply for a PhD, a few group sessions on looking at each other’s pro...
It's helpful to think about the proposal like this: if the rest of your application explains your ability to do a PhD, the proposal demonstrates the actual PhD you plan to do. Of course, being able to effectively plan and explain a research projectisone of the key qualifications for being...
Statement of research interest or research proposal 研究兴趣或者研究计划 Two academic referee's reports 两封推荐信 Official score report of one of the following English language proficiency tests 语言成绩,这个都要具体看学校admission的要求 Official score report of the GMAT or GRE 这两个只有申请hku商...
这两种奖学金都不需要单独申请,在提交网申时表明想要被考虑即可。 4.Admission Criteria 4.1. Academic excellence (GPA+GRE 体现) 4.2. Passion for research and hunger for knowledge (Statement of purpose 体现) 4.3. Research proposal (需要identify potential supervisor。注意:导师同意做supervisor,并不代表会录...
需要先online apply,有一个apply form需要填写 接下来就要看具体学院的要求了,是online apply还是post your supporting documents 明亮幸福 香港中文大学可以本科直接申请PHD吗 香港中文大学博士入学申请 一、入学资格 申请攻读哲学博士、教育博士、音乐博士或心理学博士学位课程者须: • 持有认可大学之硕士学位;或 •...
btw,申请phd有一个research proposal,这个东西很专业,一定要自己写,不要交给别人。不然面试的时候被问住,你的信用会收到影响。 发布于 2019-01-28 23:25 赞同添加评论 分享收藏喜欢收起超爱玩的小小徐 你灵心慧眼 世界便美如花园 关注 泻药。按常理来讲,申请phd肯定是你感兴趣...
像我当时就申请了所有“encourage apply”的学校,因此同学们如果遇到了这样的机会,一定要去争取。总结 ...
The proposal provides an indication; it is the beginning of the process. 5. Outline of the research: This will take the form of a tentative thesis structure/'Table of Contents' with asummary of each chapter. The outline is NOT binding and should serve as the basis for thinking about the...
If, after the first or second year of your research (i.e. during your MPhil), the institution is satisfied with the progress of your work, you may then be able to apply for full PhD registration. Usually, your supervisor or tutor will be in charge of determining whether you are ready ...