1- Interview question about yourself (关于申请者的问题) 2- Interview question about your PhD project(关于博士研究项目相关问题) 3- Interview question about the choice of university and groups (关于申请者为什么选这个这个学校/研究小组的问题) 4- Questions to ask at a PhD Interview (申请者提问环节)...
Usually, your PhD program interviewer will have read your application materials and your resume/CV before your meeting. So, make sure to review everything you submitted, especially if it has been several months since you uploaded your information. You don’t want to be caught off guard. Howeve...
听力不好可以用otter,一个语音转文字的app,因为有些微延迟而且不能一直盯着看,只能时不时的瞟一眼,所以不能完全依靠这个 Youtube搜PhD interview questions andanswers,虽然有些问题几乎不可能被问到,但是可以拿来练习英语组织能力 (B站...
PhD Application 创建于 2021-02-09 • 0 人关注 关注收藏添加评论 举报 21 个内容 PhD博士申请:面试问题终极清单 Kimberly VanderWeert 北美留学申请专家,拥有10年申请辅导经验。 Kimberly VanderWeert: Grad - Ultimate List of Questions Here is the complete list of questions I use t…阅读全文...
The bulk of your interview will involve the panel asking youquestionsand listening to your answers. These will focus on your academic background, research interests and goals. You may also be invited to expand upon parts of your PhD application. ...
纽约州立大学石溪分校生物PhD面试经验汇总 纽约州立大学石溪分校生物PhD面试经验汇总 博士申请 1. 申请专业:遗传学;面试时间:2月2日 进门,互打招呼,坐定,然后开始。一个生物的中国教授(Zong),一个印度的做MSE的教授。Zong: I need to find out your materials, so give you one minute to introduce ...
《A Field Guide to Grad School》的Chapter 1里分别总结了school visit的一对一面谈里可以问教授、学生和staff的问题(p51-54)。总结得很好,但不适合比较正式的panel interview,非正式会面可以问一问。 这些是questions for professors,仅供参考: How many grad students are you currently working with?
Questions to ask: How the research seminar looks like? Do i have any opportunity to teach during phd? What's next in the application process? --- 原文引自: https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-1364458-1-1.html 参与讨论及查看更多的相关文章请访问【商学院Ph.D申请区...
是伯克利haas商学院的Abhishek Nagaraj和哈佛商学院两个一年级学生共同整理的资料。里面有phd application guide, sample SOP, sample CV, interview questions. 如果你觉得有帮助的话,也请记得拿到满意的offer后分享自己的SOP和CV! 最后祝申请的姐妹们 beat the odds, 申请顺利!
之前收到interview通知的时候说“Instructions will be given to you by email one hour before the interview to prepare your presentation.”还嘀咕了一下,presentation是什么意思。 之前申请的时候有一个两页纸的research proposal, interview前一个小时收到了一份word文档,针对这个RP提了5个很犀利的问题,并且要求...