Make any necessary changes and double check for spelling mistakes and grammar issues. Examples of academic CVs can easily be found by simply searching "Academic CV Template" in Google or Yahoo. There are also specific companies who are able to offer advice and even help you write your CV.©...
我找的是CV/DL方向美国Research Scientist的岗位。根据我的了解,Research Scientist主要是做研究的地方有FAIR, Google Research, MSR, NVIDA Research, Snap Research, OpenAI, DeepMind, 其他的地方除了一些较小范围的组,可能有更多的工程或者产品上的工作职责;但是划分也不是绝对的,而且同一个组每个人可能也不一样...
<Probabilistic Machine Learning>, <Numerical Algorithms of Machine Learning>, <Statistical Learning Theory>, <Practical Machine Learning>...本校学生出路也都很好,每年向ETH, Oxbridge, Gatsby Unit等欧陆顶级机构稳定输出PhD/Postdoc。另外
To understand whether Plan S compliant publishing in my area of research, software engineering, is possible at the moment, I looked at the top 20 venues in the area ofSoftware Systems, according toGoogle Metrics. In these top 20 venues, just three aregoldopen access:POPLandOOPSLA, both publis...
再加上学校身处Amsterdam,周围的实验室和大厂研究院密度喜人,包括不限于:CWI,Google Brain Amsterdam...
目前在和Princeton (ECE & CS),Harvard(ECE)的同事合作,topic是DL Compiler/hardware-software co-...
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