而在课下的office hour,我也经常去和老师讨论,有时针对一个问题我会提出我的解决思路,这个思路可能会很麻烦或不适用于该问题,但起码能体现我在思考; 建议找 SOP 中提到的项目的supervisor/advisor 来 如果同学们希望一个老师给写推荐信,那一定要尽早和老师确认,10月就是一个比较好的时间,因为每个老师每年可能会...
①你的科研老板(advisor) ②你的任课老师(professor) 如果你的老板既是你的科研老板又是你的任课老师,那么他作为advisor的这层关系是最为重要的。 ③你的实习上司(supervisor/professional supervisor) 如果你申请科研导向型硕士或PhD的时候,你做的实习不足以证明你的科研能力,那么这封推荐信是可以舍弃的。 ④你的...
Realize that you often won’t choose your actual dissertation supervisor until you are a couple of years into your PhD program. You’ll typically be doing classwork for several semesters before developing your own research project. You may be assigned an advisor or given a research or teaching ...
European PhD programs may put more emphasis on personal “on-the-job” training by an advisor. ...
advisor。没有其他connection连cmu都没有。等申请结束详细cmu ri某ap。 2.1: harvardwaitlist, 老师不想做robot learning 2.2: uchicagooffer with full fellowship 2.3: berkeleyoffer, 不去。 2.8: stanfordrejected (poi给别人打电话了) 2.13-14:Yale uw, princeton rejected. 2.15: mit ...
Please indicate your interest early to tong.ling@ntu.edu.sg, as obtaining the advisor’s support is crucial for your application. We encourage students with a strong background in biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, engineering science, physics, or other related majors to apply. 02 ...
Realize that you often won’t choose your actual dissertation supervisor until you are a couple of years into your PhD program. You’ll typically be doing classwork for several semesters before developing your own research project. You may be assigned an advisor or given a research or teaching ...
Supervisor: Derek Smith Derek Smith is Professor of Infectious Disease Informatics in the Zoology Department at Cambridge University. He is an advisor to the WHO influenza vaccine strain selection committee, and is also involved in vaccine strain selection for other human and non-human pathogens for...
stipulate that you must find a tenured professor in your chosen institution to serve as your formal advisor and supervisor throughout your PhD program before you can be formally accepted into the program. In other cases, you will be assigned a supervisor based on your research subject and method...