N.b.: the Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) program is a 2-year program that develops students' capabilities to work within a professional engineering context, in an application- and system-design-oriented setting. 3. Ph.D. position on smart digital filters for audio processing Modern...
2月11日,NYU面试如期到来,那是一个完整的通宵,从晚上九点,一直到第二天上午七点。 我点了一杯星巴克抹茶拿铁,一鼓作气,只为不让自己后悔。 美国的面试通常包含两部分:教授和在读的学生介绍整个program + 几个老师分开对学生进行面试。经过之前的UC Irvine、Chicago、Rutgers的面试我对流程已经很熟悉了,这是最后...
…...I want to know if you are taking on new students next year and if I have a good sho...
I am XXX, a second-year graduate from Columbia University, with a current GPA 3.96/4.0 and an undergraduate GPA 3.73/4.0. I am writing to pursue a PhD program under your guidance in Autonomous Vehicle and Control. I have research experience in the control of an autonomous vehicle. I hope ...
and Eye-tracking data collection, fMRI data analysis之类的工作,目前有一篇二作,senior year也许还会...
College of William and Mary(同上应该也还没开始review,这个截止2月1号) UChicago MAPSS(waitlist了,没stipends估计只有覆盖部分学费的scholarship,这个我有一个特别惦记的教授的组所以我申请了) 以上doctoral program我全部邮件inquiry过,都是确认收grad student(有时候他们lab网站信息不准或者有一些内部消息我们不得知...
I was in the second year of my PhD program when a colleague asked what I would do if I had a 25th hour every day. Without much___, I said I would use it to help others. Like many graduate students, I was___with teaching, coursework,___, and some attempts at a personal life....
Chemistry Program Master Year 1 化学与界面Chemistry and Interfaces【EN】 Master Year 2 材料化学与界面Materials Chemistry and Interfaces【EN】 分子化学与界面Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces【EN /FR】 PHD track 先进材料 Advanced m...
Application for Penn Lauder CIBER 2009 PhD Grants Year in PhD Program : 2 nd year Mailing Address : Amount requested : 2400Morenogarcia, Antonio
The successful completion of a one-year taught program may lead to the award of the MRes degree, which includes more taught components than the MPhil and can be awarded in lieu of a PhD for students who have not completed the required period of study for a PhD. Alternatively, the successfu...