phc2sys的使用方法非常简单,只需在命令行中输入相应的参数即可完成数据转换。以下是一些常用的phc2sys参数和其功能的解析: 1. -help:显示phc2sys的使用帮助信息,包括所有可用的参数和其功能说明。 2. -r <referencefile>:设置参考文件,用于对齐和重采样原始数据。参考文件通常是SP3、NAV或CLK格式的文件,其中包含...
linux phc2sys offset说明 phc2sys是一个Linux下的工具,用于将CPU的硬件时钟与系统时钟进行同步。使用phc2sys工具可以通过探测CPU的硬件时钟反馈信息,来计算出硬件时钟与系统时钟之间的偏移量。 偏移量(offset)是指硬件时钟与系统时钟之间的时间差,可以是正值也可以是负值。当硬件时钟比系统时钟快时,偏移量为正,反之...
.B phc2sys [ .BI \-d " pps-device" ] [ .BI \-s " device" ] [ .BI \-c " device" ] [ .BI \-O " offset" ] [ .BI \-w ] [ options ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B phc2sys is a program which synchronizes two or more clocks in the system. Typically, it...
Security-Enhanced Linux secures the phc2sys processes via flexible mandatory access control. The phc2sys processes execute with the phc2sys_t SELinux type. You can check if you have these processes running by executing the ps command with the -Z qualifier. ...
I'm trying to synchronize the system clocks of two systems using ptp4l(802.1as hardware timestamp) and phc2sys normally, phc2sys works well, but
phc2sys_node=3 phc2sys_uds="2:1" phc2sys_conf="-a -r" phc2sys_phc_base=2 phc2sys_phc_swap=1 time_max_limit=$default_time_max_limit phc2sys_conf="-w -s eth0" run_test || test_fail check_sync || test_fail phc2sys_conf="-a -r" # network down at 150-250 in su...
But when we run phc2sys -s fm1-mac3 -w command for the clock to get the UTC offset from the ptp4l automatically. we are observing "Waiting for ptp4l..." log continuously. the phc2sys is stuck in this state for long time. please help us resolve this issue. Thank you, Deepanr...
$ kubectl create configmap linuxptp-configmap --from-file ./linuxptp-configmap $ kubectl get configmap linuxptp-configmap -o yaml -n openshift-ptp apiVersion: v1 data: | {"interface":"ens786f1", "ptp4lOpts":"-s -2", "phc2sysOpts":"-a -r"} kind: ConfigMap me...