After 48 h, the cells were lysed and FLAG-BIG3 was immunoprecipitated with an anti-FLAG antibody. Immunoprecipitated proteins and a portion of the original cell lysates (input) were immunoblotted as indicated. (c) The predicted interaction sites, as determined using PSIVER software, are shown....
SW480 cells were infected with STOML2-overexpressed (3 × Flag-STOML2) or control lentivirus (mock; GENECHEM, Shanghai, China). MC38 and CT26 cells were infected with STOML2-knockdown (shSTOML2) or overexpression lentivirus (GENECHEM, Shanghai, China). MC38-STOML2 cell was infected ...
For co-immunoprecipitation analysis for protein interaction with PHB2, either wild-type Myc-PHB2 or a Myc-PHB2 LIR domain (Y121A/L124A) mutant was co-transfected with either HA-LC3 or Flag-SQSTM1 into L02 cells for 48 h using Lipofectamine-2000 (Invitrogen). For analying the interact...
SW480 cells were infected with STOML2-overexpressed (3 × Flag-STOML2) or control lentivirus (mock; GENECHEM, Shanghai, China). MC38 and CT26 cells were infected with STOML2-knockdown (shSTOML2) or overexpression lentivirus (GENECHEM, Shanghai, China). MC38-STOML2 cell was infected ...
Ad-Flag-RGG-M9感染加重了大鼠球囊损伤模型28天新生内膜的形成(图6G),而不会导致体重或血压等显著变化。免疫染色实验证明,与假手术Ad-GFP感染大鼠颈动脉相比,球囊损伤Ad-GFP感染大鼠颈动脉VSMCs中prohibitin 2水平显著降低(补充图未展示)。在Ad-Flag-RGG-M9感染的大鼠颈动脉中,与Ad-GFP感染的大鼠颈动脉相比,...
NM001144831-14 p3xFlag-CMV-10 全长 N-3xFlag 哺乳细胞 2800 NM001144831-15 p3xFlag-CMV-14 全长 C-3xflag 哺乳细胞 2800 NM001144831-16 pLVX-Puro 全长 无 慢病毒 2800 NM001144831-17 pLVX-AcGFP1-N1 全长 C-AcGFP 慢病毒 2800 NM001144831-18 pLVX-AcGFP1-C1 全长 N-AcGFP 慢病毒 2800 NM00...
HjqbbXx2lenyp3hT52JkmlvLndqCpqqWt66NnRm+Objfnf1SapYenZ4lF+ttEqJdebuvrTBvrxwt J6Vd6vRQ82Z5s+Wi5bXS45bNyUctJjV9fvE6t2IpsvdqbnaeWqaeS3lzLEu5sJwvWxtDl9yyobzf qJayfZU3vM7eS+nj/JISZa6SERkW5RfzdHQuDUpgAiUCCMoxgHiwgQYLDHggQUFE8gBCZGIhokHk AQ8kKIDAAweKBQQC8Ltx8VVNMdzlUZ2t6FlUz3MO...
日本利优比 日本ELM胶纸切割机 日本SFIDA机板切割工具 日本RYOBI利优比 日本NITTO日东快速接头 日本yaesu上等素 日本BIG大昭和精机 日本NEOTEC精密平口钳 日本SUPER世霸小霸王人性化皇牌工具系列 日本FLAG旗牌卜士套筒扳手 日本SUPERTECH间隙规组(锥形) 日本SK针规 ...
本发明实施例所用PHB2过表达慢病毒(Ubi‑PHB2‑3FLAG‑CBh‑gcGFP‑IRES‑ puromycin),阴性对照慢病毒(Ubi‑MCS‑3FLAG‑CBh‑gcGFP‑IRES‑puromycin),均购于上海 吉凯基因科技有限公司; 小鼠PHB2核苷酸序列。 [0024]实施例2 一、细胞和细胞培养条件 ...
KSHV Flag-vBcl-2 plasmid was kindly provided by Professor Beth Levine from Department of Medicine, University of Texas. Rab family genes in the T Vector and sub-cloned into EGFP-C1 and DsRed-C1 were kindly provided by Professor Jiahuai Han’s Lab. All the plasmids were confirmed by ...