Regarding your conversion to time domain, take your rectangular form and convert it to polar form (magnitude and angle). You then have the magnitude and phase angle for the time domain. Nov 13, 2016 #5 CoolDude420 201 9 gneill said: Check your voltage division work. The numerator of...
Time phasor diagram showing stator voltage and current under steady-state conditions. 8.6.3 Transient operation We concluded earlier that for the motor torque to be directly proportional to the torque component of stator current, it is necessary to keep the magnitude of the rotor flux constant and...
The series RLC circuit is said to be inductive. The lead and lag between two phasors5 is best shown by a vector diagram like the one in Fig. 2.2b. The source voltage is represented by a phasor V = Vp, which is horizontal in Fig. 2.2b, and the current phasor I = Ipe−jθ is...
The new magnitude and phase angle can be calculated by adding two phasors, similar to adding two vectors with certain magnitudes and angles. Like any other vector, phasors can be represented in rectangular form as well, and therefore can be represented by a real part plus an imaginary part ...
Especially when the interharmonic spectral peaks are close to the harmonic spectral peaks, the estimation accuracy of the harmonic phasor will be seriously affected. Figure 1 shows the spectrum diagram of the signal x(t) = 0.5cos(2π × 95.5t) + cos(2π × 100t) + 0.5cos(2π × ...