The choice of methodology. It can be Agile, DevOps, Scrum, or any other one. The choice of architecture. It’s the foundation of your future product. Coding. It’s a process of creating chunks of code from scratch based on the existing libraries. QA and testing. It comes hand-in-ha...
Let’s start with a quick introduction to the many phases of project management. Or, skip ahead to theproject management triangle. 1. Project initiation In theinitiation phaseof the project management model, the project is defined on a broad level. This is the time to identify project sponsors...
Model Agile jest popularny wśród zespołów programistycznych, w których współpraca polega na ciągłej wymianie informacji i które regularnie napotykają nieprzewidziane przeszkody. Dwa modele Agile, które warto wziąć pod uwagę, toKanbaniScrum. Kanban polega na wizual...
To understand Waterfall Model in SDLC, it’s necessary to dive into the methodology’s definition, main phases, what documents are associated as the result of each stage, advantages, and disadvantages.
In Chapter 1, you learned the basics of an agile retrospective. What is a retrospective? What’s the value of a retrospective? Who should attend the retrospective? And more. We also briefly touched on the 5 phase model introduced by Diana Larsen and Esther Derby in their book Agile Retrospe...
Types of project life cycles There are three variations of the project life cycle:Agile, Waterfall, and iterative. Agile model HetAgile modellegt de nadruk op flexibiliteit en iteratieve voortgang. Het maakt aanpassingen en verbeteringen mogelijk gedurende het hele project. Teams passen zich st...
The choice ofmethodology. It can be Agile, DevOps, Scrum, or any other one. The choice of architecture. It’s the foundation of your future product. Coding. It’s a process of creating chunks of code from scratch based on the existing libraries. ...
The choice ofmethodology. It can be Agile, DevOps, Scrum, or any other one. The choice of architecture. It’s the foundation of your future product. Coding. It’s a process of creating chunks of code from scratch based on the existing libraries. ...
Types of project life cycles There are three variations of the project life cycle:Agile, Waterfall, and iterative. Agile model TheAgile modelemphasizes flexibility and iterative progress. It allows for adjustments and improvements throughout the project. Teams adapt incrementally based on constant feed...
la limitazione del lavoro in corso e la garanzia di un flusso di lavoro continuo, il che lo rende ideale per progetti che richiedono flessibilità senza scadenze rigorose. Scrum opera insprinttemporizzati, con obiettivi definiti e revisioni regolari, promuovendo iterazioni strutturate e la resp...