M agnesium (Mg) alloys have attracted a great deal of attention as orthopedic biodegradable implant materials due to their proper mechanical properties comparable to natural bone and good biocompat- ibility1. In comparison with ceramics or polymeric materials, metallic Mg materials are more suitable...
Affectsoutcomeofpatient: •Bonehealing •Avoidexcessiveswelling •Improvecirculation •Preventcomplications •Reducestiffnessandadhesions •Improvefunction EarlyManagementafterfracture Stabilisationandsupportfracture site Positioning–veryimportant “RICE”Principle R.I.C.E.Principle ...
Calcium phosphate (CaP) materials influence macrophage polarization during bone healing. However, the effect of the crystal phase of CaP materials on the immune response of bone remains unclear. In this study, the effect of the crystal phases of CaP materials on the regulation of macrophage polariz...
Introduction Calcium phosphate cements have favorable tissue compatibility, inflammation, healing, and remodeling responses when implanted in hard tissues, due to having a similar surface chemistry as the mineral phase of bone (hydroxyapatite) [1–3]. Calcium phosphate cements are effective biomaterial ...