移相全桥dcdc变换器的设计与研究-design and research of phase-shifted full-bridge dcdc converter DesignAndResearchOfPhase-ShiftedFull-BridgeDC/DCConverterADissertationSubmittedfortheDegreeofMasterCandidate:GaoHuJunSupervisor:Prof.QiuYanZhangChang’anUniversity,Xi’an,China摘要随着我国经济的快速发展,电子技术和...
The phase-shifted, full-bridge controller drives FETs QA and QB with gate drive signals that are 180 degrees out-of-phase at 50 percent duty cycle and are synchronized with a master clock. FETs QC and QD are also driven with a fixed 50 percent duty cycle and are 180 degrees out of pha...
1.FreeScale DSP Based Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge DC/DC Converter;基于FreeScale DSP控制器的移相全桥直直变换器 2.The paper analyses the stability of aphase-shifted full-bridgeconverter upon both theoretic and experimental work.以移相全桥电路作为应用分析实例,分别从小信号建模分析、仿真分析以及试验验证3...
The fuzzy PID and predictive digital control strategy is presented to improve transient respondence of phase-shifted full-bridge converters.The principles of phase-shifted full-bridge converter are analyzed.The small-signal model in main circuit is built by using average circuit model.By using MATLAB...
移相全桥dc-dc变换器及其数字控制的研究-research on phase - shifted full - bridge dc - dc converter and its digital control.docx,独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已标明引用的内容外,本
psfbshiftedbridgephaseconvertersbrick © 2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS01335A-page 1 AN1335 ABSTRACT This application note provides the digital implementa- tion of a telecom input 36 VDC-76 VDC to output 12 VDC, 200W Quarter Brick DC/DC Brick Converter using the Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge ...
18.Reseach on Phase-shifted Full-bridge ZVS Converter移相全桥零电压PWM软开关电路的研究 相关短句/例句 full-bridge phase-shift全桥移相 1.The coupled inductor filter is applied to the full-bridge phase-shift ZVZCS-PWM converter.文中介绍了互感滤波的原理,并把互感应用在全桥移相ZVZCS-PWM变换器中,理论...
On the basis of the analysis of phase-shifted full-bridge ZVS PWM converter, Corresponding small-signal model is build using of state-space averaging method and the traditional Buck circuit model, Thereof, control block diagram of the system and transfer function are derived, Voltage single-loop ...
15.Phase-shift full-bridge ZCT converter based on digital control基于数字控制的移相全桥ZCT变换器 16.Application of SISOTOOL of MATLAB in the Digital Phase-Shifted-Full-BridgeMATLAB中的SISOTOOL在数字式移相全桥中的应用 17.Measurement of micro-displacement based on digital speckle correlation method基于...
Phase-Shifted Full Bridge DC/DC Power Converter Design Guide Abstract The phase shifted full bridge (PSFB) converter is used for DC-DC conversion in various applications, for example in telecom systems to convert a high voltage bus to an intermediate distribution voltage, typically closer to 48V....