F.P.Glasser.Application of the Phase Rule to Cement Chemistry.Phase Diagrams. 1970Glasser FP (1978) Application of the phase rule to cement chemistry. Refract Mater 13(6):147–190 MathSciNetF. P. Glasser, ―Application of the Phase Rule to Cement Chemistry,‖ in The Use of Phase ...
To rule out the possibility that the highly concentrated proteins in the condensed liquid phase form immobile aggregates, we denatured the fluorescence labeled proteins in the flow chamber with a quick heat pulse and performed the same FRAP experiment. Heating of the flow chamber led to formation ...
Ostwald’s rule of stages governs structural transitions and morphology of dipeptide supramolecular polymers. Nat. Commun. 5, 5219 (2014). B oc-diphenylanaline peptide forms a high-density liquid phase before self-assembling into fibrillar aggregates. This study explicitly measures the free energy ...
The methodology is briefly illustrated as follows: Since the aPMMA/sPMMA blends were observed previously10 to have a Tg elevation compared to the additivity rule. The simplified Kwei13 equation as in eq 2 was used to fit the Tg values of the aPMMA/sPMMA blends (2) where symbols have ...
The systems rest largely upon exhaustive comparisons of tabulated data, relate to some extent to the octet rule, and include reducible representations of the dynamic group SO(4) in higher spaces. Finally, the paper shows how periodicity can be quantified in data for larger molecules. Data for ...
11 Gibbs phase rule. Unary systems. 9 – 12 Final Examination Binary systems: Principles, features, Sorrell 12 interpretation, microstructures, applications. 3 Timetable Lectures Day Tuesdays Thursdays Fridays Time 09:00 – 11:00 12:00-14:00 14:00-17:00 12:00-14:00 Dates Webster Chemistry ...
In most cases, reversed phase HPLC [2,12-27,28-51] was preferred over normal phase HPLC procedures [19,49,52-55]. Normal phase is usually recommended only for simple formulations [19,54]. As a general rule, UV and MS detectors were used for the analysis of antioxidants and their ...
3 Despite their support for the NLF during their fight against FLOSY, the loyalties of the Yemeni military forces trained under British rule were uncertain, and the ranks of the NLF were anything but unified. Also, the NLF was far from being in control of the whole territory of their ...
The new Cmcm phase is dynamically stable, as there are no imaginary phonon frequencies detected in the whole Brillouin zone. For the previously proposed phases2,20, the Pbam, Pnma, F43m and P63/mmc phases are dynamically stable according to the same rule. However, the appearance of imaginary...
and a down-10/up-1 rule (1 dB step-size) in Germany (AT1000 Auritec; Sennheiser HD300 circum-aural high-frequency headphones; Bone-Conductor Radioear B71W), as per local guidelines. Threshold was defined as the lowest decibel hearing level at which responses occur in at least one half...