Define inflight phase. inflight phase synonyms, inflight phase pronunciation, inflight phase translation, English dictionary definition of inflight phase. The flight of a missile or space vehicle from launch to detonation or impact. Dictionary of Militar
Modified definition of flight time to account for unmanned aircraft systems 4/2013 1.3 Takeoff Modified bullet regarding unmanned aircraft systems 4/2013 1.3 Landing Added usage note regarding unmanned aircraft systems 4/2013 1.3 Uncontrolled Descent ...
Furthermore, the MDA has dedicated nearly all of its recent development to the midcourse phase of flight, where the threat has the greatest freedom to introduce confusion, and has ignored the boost and terminal phases of flight, where the threat remains most identifiable and most vulnerable. A ... Division of flight phases The flight phase represents the flight stage decomposition and organization required by flight mode division, flight target definition, and flight process requirements of the flight process environment. The flight phase is based on different flight environments, flight ...
Drift on the upper body motion is avoided, since the rotation induced during the flight phase is fully compensated during the nextstancephase. From theCambridge English Corpus The selection of the components was based on maximizing the energy added during the shortstancephase. From theCambridge Engl...
Migratory birds have been implicated in the spread of some zoonotic diseases, but how well infected individuals can fly remains poorly understood. We used western sandpipers, Calidris mauri, to experimentally test whether flight is affected when long-distance migrants are mounting an immune response ...
PIBPreflight Information Bulletin(aviation) PIBPolytechnic Institute of Brooklyn(later Polytechnic Institute of New York) PIBPerformance Indicator Benchmarking(software) PIBPre-International Baccalaureate PIBPerson in Black(a person of the Gothic subculture in western society) ...
class PHASEEnvelopeSegment A curved portion of an envelope. enum PHASECurveType Options that apply a mathematical function to an input value. Playback Parameterization Change the characteristics of in-flight audio by adjusting its properties at runtime. ...
GAFLEX - Galileo flight experiment. Phase B: definition study. Executive summary and Galileo Flugexperiment. Short description Final reportMuenchen (Germany) Astrium GmbH
The 'Reference Phase' in computer science is defined as the state of a data object where it is no longer involved in creating new data or updates, but is still expected to be used in queries, ensuring timely availability for retrieval and analysis. AI generated definition based on: Database...