这里定义每个偏移频率为f,每个偏移频率对应的phase noise为L(f),载波(时钟)频率为fc,那么Jitter_rms则为: JitterRMS=2∫f0f110L(f)10df2πfc 以原文中这个计算结果,一步一步实现: Step1:求每个区域的积分 如上图Phase Noise和Offset Frequency的示意图,先求几个区域的PhaseNoise积分,纵轴的PhaseNoise是对数...
Jitter = Pn2Jitter(f, Lf, fc)Inputs: f: Frequency vector (phase noise break points), in Hz, row or column. Lf: Phase noise vector, in dBc/Hz, same dimensions, size(), as f. fc: Carrier frequency, in Hz, a scalar.Output: Jitter: RMS jitter, in seconds....
振荡器的抖动Jitter和相位噪声Phase Noise关系 在电子电路中,特别是涉及信号处理和通信的电路中,振荡器的稳定性和精度至关重要。影响振荡器性能的两个关键因素是抖动和相位噪声。 什么是抖动? 抖动是指信号周期事件的时间偏差。它本质上是信号周期时间相对于理想时间的变化。这种偏差会对电子系统的性能产生重大影响,尤其...
We have seen that oscillators are typically specified in terms of phase noise, but in order to relate phase noise to ADC performance, the phase noise must be converted into jitter. In order to make the graph relevant to modern ADC applications, the oscillator frequency (sampling frequency) is...
Phase Noise与RMS Jitter之间可以通过以下公式进行换算: Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) = 20 * log10(Integrated Phase Noise / Carrier Frequency) 其中,Carrier Frequency表示信号的载波频率,单位为Hz。 换算公式举例 假设有一个信号,其Carrier Frequency为1 GHz(即1e9 Hz),Integrated Phase Noise为1e-12 rad^2/Hz,...
This tool converts phase noise to phase jitter, period jitter, and cycle-to-cycle jitter. The resulting jitter values can be used to easily identify clocks and oscillators that meet the requirement. Need Help? Enter your values below
晶振的相噪与抖动Phase Noise and Jitter解释如下: 一个晶振在某一偏移频率处的相位噪声定义为在该频率处1 Hz带宽内的信号功率与信号总功率比值。 定义相位噪声是从能量角度来说的,指单位带宽内的功率与总信号功率的比,单位是dBc/Hz,所谓的单位带宽,是指偏离理想频点的单位带宽。 相位噪声是从频域的角度来评估这个...
I have to run a "PNOISE - sources" simulation in order to recieve phase noise, since I have to filter the phase noise before integrating in to extract jitter (in order to mimic a PLL / CDR transfer function). A few papers were written on the subject, some of them state that the ...
has jitter in the time domain, corresponding to phase noise in the frequency domain). The spectrum shows the noise power in a 1-Hz bandwidth as a function of frequency. Phase noise is defined as the ratio of the noise in a 1-Hz bandwidth at a specified frequency offset, f m, to the...
Converting Oscillator Phase Noise to Time Jitter.pdf,MT-008 TUTORIAL Converting Oscillator Phase Noise to Time Jitter by Walt Kester INTRODUCTION A low aperture jitter specification of an ADC is critical to achieving high levels of signal-to- noise ratio