Specifically, “faze” means: “to disturb, disconcert, or daunt; caused to show discomposure”. On the other hand, “phase” refers generally to stages. For instance, the phases of the moon or a phase someone is going through or phases of harmonic motion or the like. From this, we can...
fazeandphasearehomophones: they sound alike but have differentmeanings. Definitions Theverbfazemeans to bother or disturb the composure (of someone). As anoun,phasemeans a stage of development or a distinct portion of a process, system, or presentation. As a verb,phasemeans to plan or carry ...
"Faze" means something along the lines of "frighten" or "disturb". So, "haters don't faze me" means something like "although the haters are trying to upset me, I don't care". 查看更多回答 Q:phasedby是什麼意思 A:She wasn't affected by... ...
Pre nekoliko decenija, radilo se sa mehaničkim računalom, za izračunavanje kretanja planeta, faze Meseca i ostale astronomske pojave. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The phases of the Moon occur... because as the Moon orbits around the Earth... we see more or less of its lit side. ...
In season 2, Beezynew phaseis burn! to every insult. În sezonul 2, Beezynouă fazăeste "arde!" la fiecare insultă. WikiMatrix This shows nucleation of anew phase(shown in red) in an existing phase (white). Acesta arată nucleația uneinoi faze(în roșu) într-o ...
Antique form of faze. Face To front on A window that faces the south. Phase To determine haplotypes in (data) when genotypes are known. Face To meet or confront with self-assurance How can I face your parents when they know that I've let them down?. Phase To pass into or through a...
În faza de proiectare, veți pregăti specificațiile și proiectele aplicației dvs. Acest articol introduce fazele de proiect conceptuale și arhitecturale.
9, 400. 168 Zweite Phase: Routine (1058–1093) Lektor der Abhandlung über die Hundert Dharmas 校勘講百法論沙門法明; gegenwärtiger Klosterpatron: Mönch Jiling 見寺主沙門季令280; gegenwärtiger Abt: Mönch Faze 見尚座沙門 法賾; gegenwärtiger Klosterrektor: Mönch Faji 見都和沙門...