T. Wille. Phase diagram and critical properties of oxygen ordering in YBa2Cu3Oz. Physica C, 162, 223 (1989)BARTELT, N.; EINSTEIN, T.; WILLE, L. Phase diagram and critical properties of oxygen ordering in YBa2Cu3Oz. Physica C: Superconductivity, v. 162, p. 871 - 872, 1989. ISSN ...
The binary phase diagrams of O/rare gas (He, Ne, Ar, and Xe) mixtures have been measured at 296 K up to 20 GPa in a diamond-anvil cell. The boundary lines were determined by visual observation and by the Raman frequency of the Ovibron mode. The O-He phase diagram is of eutectic ...
phase diagramquality lineretrograde reservoirMost condensate gas reservoirs discovered in Iran are rich in intermediate components. The phase diagram of these fluids is essential for reservoir management. The available commercial reservoir fluid simulators are not able to find the critical point of some ...
摘要: Measurements and theoretical estimates are presented of the liquid-gas phase diagram of an electron-hole fluid in pure germanium. The critical point is found to occur in a region where the fluid is an electron-hole plasma at T=6.5+/-0.1 K and n=(8+/-2)×10cm....
A phase diagram combines plots of pressure versus temperature for the liquid-gas, solid-liquid, and solid-gas phase-transition equilibria of a substance. These diagrams indicate the physical states that exist under specific conditions of pressure and temperature, and also provide the pressure ...
At even higher pressure, the close-packed structure of the oxygen sublattice becomes unstable to a new unusual superionic phase in which the oxygen sublattice takes the P21/c symmetry. We also discover that higher pressure phases have lower transition temperatures. The diffusive hydrogen in the ...
two-phase flow is defined by a region ofP-T-xspace rather than a curve. Thirdly, because fluid density is a function of salinity, the fractionation of salt between the liquid and vapour phases affects the dynamics of the phases.Figure 8depicts part of the phase diagram for NaCl–water solu...
This research is focused on understanding the phase behavior of gas hydrate formation in the gas dominant multiphase pipelines containing mixed gas with high CO2, crude oil, and deionized water. The experimental conditions are in the pressure range of 3
The MSC method allows the precipitation of salt from the molten phase and their embedding in carbon, which acts as a template to produce multiple pores. Besides, abundance of oxygen-containing functional groups was produced with the engagement of molten salts. Among these investigations, eutectic ...
Schematic drawing of Manasevit's MOCVD deposition system [293]. One of the important virtues of the OMVPE method is that it is can be used to grow epitaxial semiconductor alloy films. In 1977, Dupuis and Dapkus [295] grew low oxygen and carbon films of AlGaAs by the OMVPE method. This...