相变材料(PCM - Phase Change Material)是指随温度变化而改变物质状态并能提供潜热的物质。转变物理性质的过程称为相变过程,这时相变材料将吸收或释放大量的潜热。这种材料一旦在人类生活被广泛应用,将成为节能环保的最佳绿色环保载体,在我国已经列为国家级研发利用序列。北京君和科技有限公司生产的相变地板就是应用相变...
福斯曼 耐火导电陶瓷材料碳化锆粉200 nm 98%99% CAS:12070-14-3 ¥198.00 查看详情 耐高温增韧改性福斯曼现货高纯超细碳化硅晶须/金刚砂 ¥580.00 查看详情 福斯曼直供四氯化铪/氯化铪 CAS:13499-05-3 HfCl4 ¥2380.00 查看详情 福斯曼定制 镀银镀铝镀金聚酰亚胺泡沫 PI泡沫 PI膜 ¥388.00 查看详情 福斯...
PCM是 Phase Change Material,意思是相变材料。相变又是啥?水有固液气三相,当水从固态变成液态时就叫相变。所以,水就是最常见的相变材料(PCM)。当相变材料发生相变时,可以在温度不变的情况下,吸热或者放热。因此相变材料特别适合用于热能的储存和释放。相变材料种类繁多,但哪些适合用来做降温冰圈就不好说了。比如...
产品英文名称:Phase change material 货号:9707068 纯度:NA% 执行质量标准:企业标准 EINECS编号:NA 厂家(产地):北京 别名:相变材料 颜色/外观:白色颗粒状粉末 分子式:有机PCM 相变材料FSM-PCM68(Phase change material) 产品编号:9707068CAS号:N/A分子式:N/A 产品参数 形态:粉体 密度:ND 规格:参考相变温度:79...
Phase Change Material (PCM) can store thermal energy in the form of latent heat for cooling or heating functions in a later stage. Energy storage is as important as new clean energy in terms of environmental protection.
savENRG® Phase Change Material(PCM) is developed to provide your shipment with the appropriate thermal protection needed to ensure that payload temperature remains within safe parameters during the entire transit from point A to point B. With our wide range of Phase Change Material, you will fi...
Phase-Change Memory is made using a Germanium Antimony Tellurium (GST) alloy, and takes advantage of rapid heat-controlled changes in the material’s physical property between amorphous and crystalline states. These states, which correspond to logic 0 and 1, are electrically differentiated by high ...
This study presents the analysis of phase change material (PCM)-based solar air heating system to achieve comfort conditions in a living space during winter season. The technical feasibility of PCM-based solar air heating system has been demonstrated, thus reducing the risks due to indoor air ...
相变存储器 Phase-Change Memory (PCM),(嵌入式内存技术正处于十字路口。在FD-SOI和FinFET高级CMOS技术中,传统浮栅嵌入式非易失性存储器(eNVM)的集成在28nm和更小的硅
PCM Definitions •Heat of Fusion [kJ/kg]: amount of energy required to melt one kg. •Duration Index [J/(cm 3 * o C)]: Comparison of how long a PCM will remain at a constant temperature during the phase change. Calculated as: D.I. = h f ρ / ∆T Design Options Material ...