Download: Download full-size image Fig. 6. Phase diagram of itraconazole/HPC-UL measured via DSC and modelled with PC-SAFT. The orange line is the PC-SAFT calculated solubility of itraconazole in HPC-UL, the dashed orange line is the metastable solubility, the black line is the PC-SAFT pr...
Fig. 6 Interferograms and spectra measured by the PC-FTS with the SLD. a Continuous interferograms of H12C14N molecules measured with the SLD at a scan rate of 24 kHz. b Spectra obtained by Fourier-transforming a single interferogram (left), and a 30-averaged spectrum Full size image Dis...
Sign in to download full-size image Figure 1-5. Oil-shrinkage curve for low-shrinkage oil. 3. Volatile crude oil. The phase diagram for a volatile (high-shrinkage) crude oil is given in Figure 1-6. Note that the quality lines are close together near the bubble-point and are more wide...
On June 6 (local time), French luxury fashion brand Balenciaga announced its autumn and winter 2021 collection as a video game. Rather than a fashion show, the hand-made video game featured a total of 50 outfits, which was titled “afterworld: the age of tomorrow.” Much like the impact ...
It is triggered by the 6- piece bonus of the Uliana set and spreads through the legendary Gungdo rails like a plague among the masses of monsters. Although you have Exploding Hand on the action bar, you do not have to perform the skill manually, because the path of the Hundred Fists, ...
Card Guru Game Studio 棋牌、家庭与儿童、策略 3+ Phase Rummy: Card Game is a rummy-type card game with a challenging and exciting twist. Not only is the game fun and gripping, but even the cards are attractive. 免费 获取
\begin{aligned} \Vert V_{PC}-V_{PC}^{/\!\!/}\Vert _2^2&=\underset{i,i'}{\sum }|f_i^*(V_{PC}-V_{PC}^ {/\!\!/})f_{i'}|^2+\underset{i,j}{\sum }|f_i^*(V_{PC}-V_{PC}^{/\!\!/})g_j|^2\nonumber \\&\,\,\,\,\,+\underset{i,j}{\sum }|g_j...
Optional adapters (PC Cards) As the format of add-on adapters moves toward plug-and-play, credit-card sized adapters, the issue becomes one of supportability and drivers. This is a rapidly-developing area of the industry and the quality and support of drivers are critical. Possible PC Card ...
6. Sign in to download hi-res image Fig. 6. Emulsion breakdown stages. The setting time of emulsion depends on the bitumen grade. Cationic or anionic nature of emulsion depends on the type of emulsifying agent used. In cationic emulsions bituminous droplets carry a positive charge and in ...
Sign in to download full-size image Figure 9. The corresponding Fourier transformed SD patterns of the same symmetric blend of Figure 6, displaying the collapse of the scattering halo to a smaller diameter due to coarsening. Early Stage of SD Cahn and Hilliard48 were the first ...