start,middleorp144who,whole,whomp144phonics,phantom,Segmentingforspelling end.BlendingforreadingReadingtrickywordsMr,Philipp144drew,screw,crew p134when,which,wheelMrs,don’t,byp140SpellingtrickywordsSpellingtrickywords‘some’ Segmentingforspelling‘some’and‘come’p148and‘come’p148 p144whisper,where,wh...
樱桃老师自然拼读5+1之字母组合发音 第一步: See it and 2、 say it (边看边说)Lets look at the picture. What is it?Its a tray, t-r-ay-tray. 2.Please look at the letter card and say ay-ay-ay sound. 3. Listen to jolly phonics songs and do the action.(把手放耳边装听不见状)2...
Phase2-7: ut 5700:14 Phase2-6: at 4200:18 Phase2-5: ap 6500:17 Phase2-4: an 7800:16 Phase2-3: am 7400:18 Phase2-2: ag 6700:15 Phase2-1: ad 9400:14主播信息 Helen_YLJ 91 加关注 1088 Helen English - KET词汇音频 956 英文名著欣赏系列 1447 Phonics-CVC List ...
BBC: Synthetic Phonics Phase II 英國小學英語拼讀學習第二階段和第三階段(42音素和兩組不符合拼讀規則的單詞) 2.8万播放 s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d 04:25 g,o 01:20 c, k, e, h, r, u, l, f, b 06:01 Tricky words 1 01:01 j 00:29 v, w 01:04 x 00:28 z, zz 01:01 ch, sh, tri...