Intensive lifestyle intervention is recommended as the cornerstone of obesity management3,5,8,9,10. It consists of a reduced-calorie diet (for example, 1,200–1,500 kcal per day based on weight or sex), physical activity (≥150 min per week) and frequent behavioral counseling (for ...
We divided the lymph node (LN) into 2 regions: perigastric regions (stations 1–6) and extraperigastric regions (stations 7–9, 11p, and 12a)17. Lymph node dissection noncompliance was defined as the absence of LNs from more than one LN station that should have been excised17. The sec...
laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (Band), biliopancreatic diversion and its duodenal switch variant, vertical banded gastroplasty and sleeve gastrectomy.
Robotic versus laparoscopic distal gastrectomy for resectable gastric cancer: a randomized phase 2 trial Bin-bin Xu, Chao-Hui Zheng & Chang-Ming Huang Nature Communications15, Article number:4668(2024)Cite this article 3164Accesses 8Citations 11Altmetric Metrics...
short-term weight loss with a balanced Mediterranean diet (with a mean of 18% of protein intake) could reduce the intra-muscular adipocytes (IMATs), improve the protein breakdown, and consequently the muscular function even in the absence of an SMM increase. These aspects deserve future ...
1 Department of Intensive Care Unit, Kayseri City Training and Research Hospital, Kayseri 38080, Turkey 2 Department of Internal Medicine, Kayseri Training and Research Hospital, Kayseri 38080, Turkey 3 Department of Clinical Nutrition, Erciyes School of Medicine, Erciyes University, Kayseri 38080, Tur...