Phase 7 of Season of Discovery retains the 300 skill cap introduced in Phase 3 for professions, allowing players to max out all of their crafting and gathering skills in case they haven't already done so. For the Alchemy profession, that means you’ll be
After the positive reception to professions in Season of Discovery Phase 1, we are building and expanding on it significantly for Phase 2. Players will be able to discover approximately twenty new recipes across all non-gather professions. This includes recipes for Alchemy, Enchanting, and Engineeri...
includingAlchemy,Leatherworking, andTailoring. There’ll be another quest chain to unlock access, just like in phase one, and these recipes will include new materials you can trade with others. Professions will camp at 225, but profession ...
In Phase 2, we saw three brand new recipes: Enchanted Sigil: Innovation is a Bind-on-Pickup item for Enchanters that provides a powerful personal buff Enchant Chest - Retricutioner is a new chest enchantment that reflects melee damage Enchant Weapon - Dismantle is a new weapon enchantment th...
2. Important Things You Need To Do in TBC Classic Phase 5: Reputation Items The other reason you want to be doing them every day is to unlock some powerful gear and recipes from the reputation vendor, most notably here, you have these Shattered neckpieces, there’s one for ...
In Phase 2, six more schematics were added to the game: Polished Truesilver Gears is a component used by other crafting recipes Ez-Thro Radiation Bomb is a new bomb that can be sold to non-Engineers High-Yield Radiation Bomb is a new bomb for Engineers only Hyperconductive Goldwrap is a...
For the Cooking profession, that means you’ll be able to cook up most of the recipes in the game. Cooking Herbalism Alchemy Engineering First Aid Mining Blacksmithing Leatherworking Fishing Skinning Enchanting Tailoring Cooking Leveling & Trainers Check out our Classic Cooking Guide for trainer...