Phase diagram for the one- dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model: A density-matrix renormalization group study. Phys. Rev. B, 76:155114, 2007.M. Tezuka, R. Arita, and H. Aoki, "Phase diagram for the one-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model: a density-matrix renormalization group study," Physical...
1INTRODUCTION Phase diagram determinationusing equilibrated alloys is a traditional, important and widely used method. Employing this method, one can provide phase relationshipsof alloys under different conditions. The obtained phase equilibria are important experimental data for the optimization ofthermodynamic...
Corporate Network Diagram It is essential that thecurrentcorporate networking diagram be available for review. It should contain all sites and paths. It is important to have the perspective of any possible side effects on satellite sites with low-bandwidth links. Review Critical Issues and Problem A...
CONSORT diagram of the study. Out of the 32 patients initially screened, 29 were enrolled to receive sintilimab treatment. The study utilized the standard 3 + 3 design. DLT represents dose-limiting toxicity Full size image Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients Full size table Treatment...
MSCs were infused into the CSF over 2–3 min via free-hand delivery by one of the study physicians, followed by a 1 mL flush with lactated Ringer’s solution. After cell injection, the patient was rotated side-to-back-to-side every 15 min for 2 h to maximize the even distr...
The interfacial tension of coexisting liquid phases depends on their compositions, which can be shifted by solutes. As the overall composition approaches the critical point, the two phases become more similar, and the interfacial tension vanishes37,38,39. The measured phase diagram of our PEG-BSA...
We evaluate the phase diagram of the bilayer quantum Hall effect at total filling νT=5, which is a bilayer phase coherent state at small separations and two uncoupled 5∕2 states at large separations. Based on a combination of variational and exact calculations, we estimate that the transition...
approach to study a large number of ternary alloys in order to determine the ternary phase diagram, this approach immediately identifies few alloys for experimentation. The power of this approach is its ability to obtain a description of a multicomponent alloy system such as the potentially useful ...
Ab initio study of the phase diagram of epitaxial BaTiO 3 Growing thin films of crystalline metal oxides on silicon or germanium has been of great research interest for decades because of the possible applications of such systems in electronic devices. An example is provided by the ferroelectri....
1 CONSORT diagram. A CONSORT diagram showing trial groups and participant flow in this study (NCT04324606). Extended Data Fig. 2 Solicited local and systemic reactions by baseline seropositivity to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Top panel: Local solicited reactions. Bottom panel: Systemic solicited ...