As a warlock, I kind of feel bad for warriors, and even rogues. I just slap some dots and drain them as I move on to the next person while they keep chasing me, in an futile attempt to do something. Then they just die and I don’t even notice because I’m already fighting the...
Season of Discovery Phase 2 has arrived. Adventurers can level from 25 to 40, earn up to 31 additional talent points, take on the challenge of Gnomeregan as a new raid dungeon, discover new runes and abilities, and more!
We get to see the Guardians hard at work in the mid-credits scene, where they're joined by Adam Warlock, Phyla-Vel, and Blurp. The final Guardians of the Galaxy post-credits scene sees Quill eating cereal with Granddad Jason before we learn that "Star-Lord will return". For more on...
With Phase 2 of Season of Discovery, we are introducing a new PvP event called “The Blood Moon.” This new event brings with it a bit of mayhem to Stranglethorn Vale and the Blood Moon will shine above the zone casting an eerie red fog on the area. Building on what we have learned ...