larynx(喉)和pharynx(咽)是人体呼吸道和消化道中的重要组成部分,二者在多个方面存在显著差异。以下是对larynx和pharynx区别的详细阐述: 一、定义与基本结构 larynx,即喉,是呼吸道的一部分,同时也是发音的重要器官。它包含喉软骨和特定喉肌,结构复杂,分为声门上区、声门区和声门下区...
还记起在上解剖课的时候,常常把的喉部(Larynx)和咽部(Pharynx)混淆了。所以今次想分享出来让大家参考。 咽(Pharynx)可分为三个部份: 鼻咽(Nasopharynx):与鼻腔(Nasal Cavity)和软腭(soft palate)连接。 口咽(Oropharynx):在口腔(Oral Cavity)的后方连接。 咽喉(Laryngopharynx):与食道(食道)和气管(Trachea)喉咙...
39、Firstpharynxand larynx stresses urticant feeling and calcination feeling, epigastrium calcination feels or ache, appear ever since gastroenteritis symptom, acuteness vomiting, diarrhoea. ─── 先有咽喉抓痒感及灼烧感,上腹部灼烧感或疼痛,其后出现胃肠炎症状,剧烈呕吐、腹泻。 40、The portion of the...
The innervation of pharynx and larynx has similarities to that of glabrous skin and oral mucosa. All possess an epithelium innervated by free endings and deeper layers innervated by a variety of complex endings. All possess two nerve nets or plexi. Oral, pharyngeal (newborn), and laryngeal ...
(redirected fromLaryngo-pharynx) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Laryngo-pharynx:trachea phar·ynx (făr′ĭngks)·ryn·ges(fə-rĭn′jēz)orphar·ynx·es The section of the digestive tract that extends from the mouth and nasal cavities to the larynx, where it become...
Recommendations for the reporting of larynx specimens containing laryngeal neoplasms. Am J Clin Pathol. 1998;110:137–9. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Helliwell TR. Guidelines for the laboratory handling of laryngectomy specimens. ACP best practice no 157. J Clin Pathol. 2000;53:171–6. Article ...
The meaning of LARYNGOPHARYNX is the lower part of the pharynx lying behind or adjacent to the larynx.
咽喉创伤(traumatic injuries of the pharynxand larynx)常为颈部外伤所累及,常合并颈段气管、食管伤。咽喉与甲状腺、颈部大血管、神经、颈椎等重要器官邻近,如同时受伤,可以出现大出血、休克、窒息等危象,而使抢救不及以致死亡。 平时多由于交通事故、工伤、体育运动等引起。以咽喉及颈部挫伤、喉软骨骨折脱位、喉粘膜...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to laryngopharynx:trachea la·ryn·go·phar·ynx (lə-rĭng′gō-făr′ĭngks) n. The portion of the pharynx just above the larynx. Also calledhypopharynx. ...
The ___ innervates one muscle of the larynx, thecricothyroid. laryngeal mucosa, intrinsic laryngeal muscles Theinferior laryngeal nerve, the continuation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, supplies sensory fibers to the ___inferiorto the true vocal folds and motor fibers to the remaining ___. ...