Quantitative lingual, pharyngeal and laryn- geal ultrasonography in swallowing research: a technical review. Clin Linguist Phon. 2005;19:589-604.Chi-Fishman G. (2005) Quantitative lingual, pharyngeal and laryngeal ultrasonography in swallowing research: a technical review. Clin Linguist Phon 19: 589-...
Aspiration of food can occur before, during, or after the act of swallowing (Video 3). Pre-deglutitive aspiration of food occurs due to premature spilling of food into the oropharynx and its subsequent entry into the unprotected laryngeal opening before the oral phase of swallowing is triggered...
c: Bolus entry into the pharynx associated with epiglottal downward tilt, hyolaryngeal excursion, and UES opening. d, e: Linguapharyngeal contact facilitating bolus passage through (d) the pharynx and (e) the UES, and completion of oropharyngeal swallowing. Then the entire bolus is on the ...
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 pal·a·to·pha·ryn·ge·al (pal'ă-tō-fă-rin'jē-ăl) Relating to palate and pharynx. Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us...
The facial nerve (CN VII) innervates the stylohyoid muscle, which elevates the hyoid bone during swallowing. In addition, the hyoglossus and the genioglossus serve as laryngeal elevators, as well as extrinsic tongue muscles, and are designed to depress the tongue or help elevate the hyoid ...
Ultimately working and observing lab assistants create 3D anatomical models of the laryngeal mechanism, velopharyngeal mechanism, swallowing mechanism, skull and cranium, 471 Words 2 Pages Decent Essays Read More Problems Associated With A Severe Phonological Disorder Essay Kara-lynn is a 3 year; 6 ...
The laryngeal, pharyngeal and hyoid muscle responses associated with swallowing, belching and vomitingAging affects some members of the swallowing orchestra and spares the others. It seems that changes in the pharynx of the elderly are more of a positive nature than a negative one and reflect an...
Effects of laryngeal restriction on pharyngeal peristalsis and biomechanics: Clinical implicationsexercisepharynxdysphagiaswallowingTo date, rehabilitative exercises aimed at strengthening the pharyngeal muscles have not been developed due to the inability to successfully overload and fatigue these muscles during ...
Swallowing function following extensive resection of oral or oropharyngeal cancer with laryngeal suspension and crico- pharyngeal myotomy. Laryngoscope Aug 2007;117(8): 1343-48.Fujimoto Y, Hasegawa Y, Yamada H et al (2007) Swallowing function following extensive resection of oral or oropharyngeal ...
Bautista TG, Dutschmann M (2014) Ponto-medullary nuclei involved in the generation of sequential pharyngeal swallowing and concomitant protective laryngeal adduction in situ. J Physiol 592(Pt 12):2605–2623 CentralBautista TG & Dutschmann M (2014). Ponto-medullary nuclei involved in the generation...