Pharmaline Incis a Nutraceutical and Supplement manufacturer specializing in full service private label manufacturing, packaging as well as exporting our brands worldwide. As a dietary supplements manufacturer, we handle a wide variety of dosage forms and pride ourselves on delivering collaborative, proact...
The article profiles Florida, New York-based Pharmline Inc., a leading global supplier of high-quality nutritional supplements, fine chemicals and phytonutrients. It states that the company's processing services are associated with modern quality control laboratories and high technology methods of ...
Pharmaline implements a comprehensive set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and the requirements of Canadian and international regulatory bodies. We strictly adhere to the SOPs to maintain consistency in every step of the manufacturing process. ...
申请/注册号:24905081申请日期:2017-06-20国际分类:第03类-日化用品商标申请人:伴乐音株式会社;PHARMALINEINC.办理/代理机构:北京青松知识产权代理事务所(特殊普通合伙) PHARMALINE THEWELL HYALU商标注册申请 申请/注册号:24891854申请日期:2017-06-20国际分类:第05类-医药商标申请人:伴乐音株式会社;PHARMALINEINC.办理...
Pharmalineinc Capsule Manufacturer Encapsulation inspected 100% to ensure that only the highest quality product is passed. Private Label Capsule manufacturer Quality assurance and Control Measures